My Real Life

March 4, 2010

Special Treat

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:57 pm
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Real Man had a “work dinner” tonight, and so the monkeys and I were on our own.

My first instinct was to pick up wonton soup and rice, because they love it so.

Then, I thought, “You know, these kids are AWESOME.  I think I should give them a real treat.”

So, to Friendly’s we went.

Needless to say, they were beyond thrilled.

I thought I ordered Monkey in the Middle a lemonade. (Yep…I went all out…I didn’t even make them drink milk, like I usually do)

However, looking at this picture, I’m not so sure lemonade is what was in his cup.

As always, the monkeys always cover the spread, in whatever they do.

Baby Monkey ordered this:

Monkey in the Middle ordered this:

Monkey Girl, ever the mediator, ordered this:


What did I order?

Yeah, that’s right.

I had a plate full of mini-mozzarella sticks.

So what?

For dessert, they each had sundaes. 

I didn’t have enough time to get my iPhone out to get a picture of their desserts before they were gone.

My dessert, however, was the Reese’s Pieces Sundae.

I was seriously considering the seven scoop Reese’s Pieces Sundae.

I can polish it off.

Ask Kim.

She can tell you.

However, in the interest of not setting a horrible eating example for the monkeys, I went with the three scooper.

And polished that off.

The monkeys were SO well-behaved and we had a wonderful time, just chatting about our days.

The boys made me laugh. 

Apparently, they’ve been paying attention to all of the Food Network shows, because they did a little cooking show while we ate.

Hmmm…maybe they’ve just been listening to me in the kitchen.

Although, they had a cute little psuedo-Italian accent like Giada.

Monkey Girl asked if she could please, please, please bring her book, The Titan’s Curse inside, because she knows we don’t read at the table, but she only had four more pages to go.

I said yes.

Who am I to get between a girl and her book?

When she finished, she joined right in on the fun.

We missed Real Man.

I took pictures and e-mailed them to him on his cell.

Yet, it was a great time, and those monkeys deserved the treat.

Come to think of it, so did I!

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