My Real Life

November 4, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 7:11 am
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Most of the time, I teach my piano students.  Yet, sometimes, they have something to teach me. 

One of my new students had taught herself to play a few compositions by watching You Tube.  I was impressed, but I’m a big believer in learning how to read music if you are going to play the piano.  Then, you can play anything.

So, I went and found the sheet music for her pieces, and then continued to look through and find some compositions.

I came across this particular piece of music and I fell in love with it.  It’s a composition called “River Flow in You.”  It’s by a composer/pianist named Yiruma.  I think the reason I like it so much is because it is sad and happy, all at the same time.  It appears happy on the surface, but if you listen closely and really pay attention, you realize that there is also a certain sadness to the piece.  Not everyone will pick up on it.  Kind of like a person who walks around with a happy face for the world to see, but inside, is feeling despair.

It’s not my usual fare.  I’m a lover of accidentals and minor keys.  I like music that is unpredictable and that makes you gasp from the surprises it holds.  But this one held me.

So, if you have 3 minutes and 58 seconds, give it a listen.  I’d record myself playing it for you,  but I just got the music and it’s not quite “performance ready” yet. 🙂



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