My Real Life

June 17, 2012

Real Men

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

Real Men wear homemade, paper Father’s Day hats in restaurants because it makes their sons proud.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Real Men in your life.

June 16, 2012

What She’s Been Doing

Filed under: Posts with Video — Amy @ 6:00 am

I thought I’d share with you a snippet of what Monkey Girl has been doing with her new laptop.

The kid cracks me up.

And this one…love the creativity.

I. Love. My. Kids.

June 15, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Would you grow your hair out to donate it?

Been there, done that, would be more than happy to do it again.

2. What song makes you think of summer?

California Girls by the Beach Boys

Summer in the City by the Lovin’ Spoonful

Both of these automatically bring me to the summer, no matter the actual season.

I know I’ve already led you there, but let me redirect you to my friend, Shane’s, blog, in which he outlines “Summer Lovin’ and the Songs of Summer.”

3. Are you a flip flops or sandals kind of person?


I love my flip flops, but I don’t love plastic-y, cheap flip flops.

I have Addidas flip flops that have a gel-like cushiony foot base.

I love them.

However, I love my sandals for dressier occasions.

Strappy sandals, sandals with heels.

Love them.

My favorite shoes are my trail walking sneakers, but I enjoy my flips and my sandals, as well.

4. Favorite summer treat (ie ice cream, snow cones, etc)?

Dairy Queen large chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles.

I have actually dreamed of these cones.

5. Do you do something special for the father of your children on Fathers day?

I can’t answer this question on the grounds that Father’s Day is two days away and the father of my children reads this blog and I wouldn’t want to ruin any surprises the monkeys or I might have in store.

However, I can safely say that, in the past, we have made him breakfast, bought him lovely gifts, and tried to let him chill and relax for the day.

As for this year?

My lips are sealed.

June 14, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

I apologize, once again, for the frequent randomness of the blog, lately.  Lots going on, and my mind is scattered.

That being said, here are my thoughts for today.

1.  Someone posted this link on Facebook.

It’s meant to make you feel old.

It works.

Check it out, then come back for the rest of my randomness.

2.  School ends tomorrow.

Yes, we have to come back for graduation next Wednesday, but the day in, day out of school is over tomorrow.

I’m excited to spend the summer with my babies.

I’m so sad to say goodbye to my students.

Over 100 kids who have absolutely wormed their way into my heart.

I love them, I worry about them, I’ll miss them.

The hardest thing about being a teacher is that you fall in love with your kids year after year after year, and yet, they always leave you behind.

You are consistently saying goodbye.

You know they are destined for great things and that it’s the circle of life that you teach them what you can and then they move on, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

It’s just hard to say goodbye.

3.  Speaking of growing up, I’m finding that I’m liking this new stage we’re in, at home.

Monkey Girl is now old enough to watch Monkey in the Middle and Baby Monkey for a few minutes while I run to pick up Tiny or take Tiny with me to the bank.

It means that every trip out of the house doesn’t have to be a major production of 5 people in the car, out of the car, in the store, out of the store, in the car, out of the car.

It’s nice.

She’s not quite old enough to watch Tiny, but soon enough, soon enough.

And the boys love it when she is in charge for a few minutes.

And, apparently, they are angels for her.

All good stuff.

4.  If you blink, it all passes you by too quickly.

Two weeks ago, I was worried that Tiny wouldn’t be walking by the time we went to the beach this summer.

Today, you can’t slow the kid down.

He falls, but he walks everywhere.

One minute, he’s a baby.

The next, he’s a toddler.

The next, a little boy, going to school.

It’s June…you gotta forgive me all the “people growing up and making me weepy” talk.

It’s what June does to me.

5.  So, remember my quest for simplicity and purging?

It’s going well.

I’ve Freecycled an infant car seat, some books, have tossed some broken toys, given the kids grocery bags to fill up with trash from their rooms.

I’ve cleared off a counter that used to be a collection spot for things when they come in the door, and have set up some Rubbermaid drawers to collect the stuff, out of sight, to be gone through once a week, thus leaving the counter open and free.

I’ve donated some clothes, and plan on going through my closet next week and pruning that, too.

Also planning on moving Tiny from the highchair into a booster seat at the table, next week, so we can get the high chair out of here, also.

That one is sad, but I’m thrilled with the path through the kitchen that will be opened up with that particular piece of furniture removed.

6.  We recently bought Monkey Girl a laptop.

I know how much she will use it in middle school, next year, since I work there, and we decided we’d get it for her now so she could get familiar with it over the summer.

I guess that was silly, because she’s had it for a few days and she already works her Mac Book Pro better than I work mine.

I am consistently amazed at how easily kids pick up technology stuff.  I realize it’s because they’ve grown up in a tech world (digital natives) and it is just part of what they know, but it still amazes me.

It also makes me excited to see what they’ll all invent when they become adults.

7.  E-cards.

I kind of hate them.

They are everywhere.

Particularly Facebook.

And Pinterest.

But, some of them.


Really funny.

So, I try really hard to hate the e-card.

But I really can’t.

June 13, 2012

Not My Words Wednesday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

Oh, how I absolutely love all these boys in my house.

Being a mommy of boys is awesome.

June 12, 2012


Filed under: Adventuring — Amy @ 6:00 am

First hike of the year.

I could only get Monkey Girl and Monkey in the Middle to join me, but it was a great time.

We found some friends along the way.

Did some climbing.

Apparently, all the hiking and rock climbing was exhausting…even if you didn’t join us!

June 11, 2012

It’s Not Easy

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

Monkey in the Middle was in his class play, last week.

The theme was “Heroes” and Monkey in the Middle played Neil Armstrong.

He did great.

He was so nervous, as he is about so very many things, but he made it through, remembered his lines, and did just fine.

At the end, the kids all came out in super hero capes with their initials, and they sang the song “It’s Not Easy to Be Me,” by Five for Fighting.

Some of the words were changed, but the message was the same.

For those of you unfamiliar with the song, the last line is, “It’s not easy to be me.”

Real Man and I both teared up at the line, because it’s not easy to be Monkey in the Middle.

But he’s working on it.

And we are so very, very proud of him.

June 10, 2012

Sunday Randomness

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

1.  I think I could be a competitive eater.

Whenever I watch tv shows about competitive eaters, I think to myself, “I could do that.”

I wouldn’t want to dip my hot dog buns in water before eating them, and I probably wouldn’t win any competitions, but I could totally be a competitive eater.

2.  Strange follow-up to number 1, but, more and more, I’m hearing about the “clique-ishness” in the Diabetic community from Type 1 diabetics toward Type 2 diabetics.

I’ve read three articles and heard one person on talk radio, in the past week, refer to Type 2 diabetics as “not real diabetics,” “diabetics who brought it on themselves,” and “the fat kind of diabetics.”

My assumption is that those of us who suffer from Type 2 diabetes haven’t been diabetic since birth, so clearly we brought it on ourselves.

Clique-ishness of any kind gets my ire up, but clique-ishness within a group of people all suffering from the same condition???


So, here I’ll make my stand and then let it go, because it ain’t worth it to stress about it:

a.  I am a real diabetic.

b.  I eat well, I exercise, and I take care of myself.  I stray, occasionally, but I’m also a human.

c.  I’m not even the slightest bit overweight.  I have some extra skin leftover from 4 monstrously sized babies, and that cold probably shave 5 pounds off my numbers, but even with it, I’m not overweight.

It’s genetic for me, and there’s nothing I could have done to prevent it.  Now that I have it, I’m doing what I can to stave off the insulin injections, through diet and exercise.

Not fat. Not lazy.

So there.

3.  We have one more week of school to go.

I know this in my head.

I see this on paper.

In my mind, it is summer.

These weekends have this summer feel to them.

Nights sitting on the deck, listening to music while the kids play.

Going hiking with Monkey Girl.

A feeling of peace and relaxation that has taken over me.

I don’t care what the calendar says.

Summer is here.

4.  Is it in the genetic DNA of every child to try to go up the slide backward?

I mean, I get it.

We all have a little salmon in us.

That desire to go against the flow, swim upstream, climb the slide.

But, is it actually genetically coded in us?

Because, I’ve never been to a playground where at least one child isn’t climbing up the slide.

And, as the picture shows, my own are no exception.

And I’m cool with that.

5.  We love parks.

June 9, 2012

“Yes” Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

So, my junior high school friend, Jen, posted this post, the other day about having a “Yes Day.”

I’d never heard of one before, and apparently, it’s when you say “yes” to everything your kids ask for, over the course of one day.

Jen was a little hesitant, so she had a hypothetical “Yes Day,” instead.

Go read about her hypothetical day, then come back here, because here is what the monkeys said when I asked them what they’d ask for if they knew I’d say “yes” to everything all day.

Monkey Girl:

If we could immediately get on a plane and go to DisneyWorld (I’m working on it, baby…I’m working on it)

If I’d make french toast or pancakes for breakfast (doable…definitely doable)

If we could go get her a 3DS (she doesn’t even play with her regular DS…she’s not getting a 3DS, but I knew she’d ask for one)

If we could go to Game Stop and buy her a few games (we always go and look when we are over there and she never sees anything she likes…I guess she thinks if I’m saying “yes” all day, the store will suddenly improve its inventory)

If she could stay up until 10 or 10:30 (we are tyrants…boys are in bed by 7:30 on school nights, Monkey Girl goes to bed at 8:00, but can read until 9:00…her asking to stay up until 10 or 10:30 reminds me of many a night where I fell asleep on the landing of the stairs, trying to watch Love Boat and Fantasy Island without my parents realizing I was there)

If I could make some smoothies (I have a Magic Bullet and suck at using it…my smoothies taste like crap…I need my friend, Jean, to come over and give me a smoothie tutorial)

If we could make a run to Barnes and Noble and buy a ton of books and magazines (Uh, yeah…me too, Monkey Girl)

If we could get a bunch of iTunes gift cards (She wants to download every single song she hears to her iTouch)

If we could go hiking every weekend (She and I are actually heading out today for a small hike…can’t wait)


Monkey in the Middle: (This guy had a tough time, because, according to him, he didn’t want to be rude and ask for too much)

If we could go to a NY Ranger game (gotta wait til next year on that one, bub)

If we could buy any game he wanted from Game Stop (Like Monkey Girl, he goes, he looks, he doesn’t see a thing he wants…not sure what he thinks they’d have that would be different on “yes” day)

If we could get 10 packs of Oreos (this kid and Oreos…)

If we could buy him a new bike and a new scooter (he needs a new bike…I’m with him on this one)

If we could get him a 4G phone (you are 8…dream on, my little friend…no phone for you)


Baby Monkey:

If we could build a tree house (that would be AWESOME)

If we could get a new Batman toy (because Batman is the savior of the world, so he tells us on a daily basis)


I’m not entirely sure what these lists say about my kids.

I’m not entirely sure what these lists say about me.

I can tell you that I will not be having a “Yes” day any time soon, but that there are some things on this list which aren’t things my kids should necessarily have to dream about.

Like french toast and smoothies.

I’m on it.

It’s interesting to see what  they think are pie in the sky kinds of dreams.

Now I’m kind of wondering what I’d ask for if someone gave me a “Yes” day!

June 8, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Did you do anything special for your kids on the last day of school? Or did you parents do anything special for you?

Our last day of school isn’t for another week, and I’ve never really done anything special for the kids because their last day of school is also always my last day of school.

Although, that night is the first sleepover night of the summer, and they get to start their later, summer bedtime, and we usually have a family movie night that night, so I guess that might qualify.

However, those are things we usually do on Friday nights all year, so maybe not.

Except that, it being the first night of summer vacation ups the fun quotient.

So, yeah.

Or, no.

Who cares?  It’s summer!

2. What’s your favorite summer tradition with your children?

I don’t have a summer tradition with my kids, and these questions are starting to make me feel like a bad parent.

We go to the beach every year for vacation, so I guess that could qualify.

This year, however, Monkey Girl has already begun outlining some of the trails she wants to hike with me, so I’m hopeful that this could become a new summer tradition, because I am SO into it.

Love to hike, love my girl.

3. What was your favorite thing to do during the summer as a kid?


I’d go to the pool with Erin all day.


I’d ride bikes and climb trees with Gail all day.


I’d play on the playground all day.


It would rain and I would lay around and read books all day.

I played when I was a kid.

All day, every day.

I didn’t watch tv.

We didn’t have a computer.

I just played.

And it was awesome.

4. How old were you when you were married? Were you a Bridezilla?

I was 26 when I got married.

I don’t think I was a Bridezilla, because I consider myself to be fairly laid back, but I’d need Kim, Erin, or Michaela to chime in here. (My sister-in-law was my Maid of Honor, but I don’t think she reads the blog.)

Or, I guess, Real Man could chime in, also.

But, I’ll say again, I think I was fairly laid back about the wedding.

Except when it rained on the wedding day and we had to change our venue for pictures and we were so late to the reception that we missed the cocktail hour and I never got my potato pancakes dipped in applesauce or my mini-hot dogs, which were ALL I could think about all day.

I mean, other than how happy I was to be marrying the love of my life.

Other than that…pretty laid back, I think.

5. What is your favorite girl name?

I’m partial to classic names like Julia, Olivia, Emma, Sara, Madeleine, Lily and Anna.

And, I guess that’s the answer to that.


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