My Real Life

June 8, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Did you do anything special for your kids on the last day of school? Or did you parents do anything special for you?

Our last day of school isn’t for another week, and I’ve never really done anything special for the kids because their last day of school is also always my last day of school.

Although, that night is the first sleepover night of the summer, and they get to start their later, summer bedtime, and we usually have a family movie night that night, so I guess that might qualify.

However, those are things we usually do on Friday nights all year, so maybe not.

Except that, it being the first night of summer vacation ups the fun quotient.

So, yeah.

Or, no.

Who cares?  It’s summer!

2. What’s your favorite summer tradition with your children?

I don’t have a summer tradition with my kids, and these questions are starting to make me feel like a bad parent.

We go to the beach every year for vacation, so I guess that could qualify.

This year, however, Monkey Girl has already begun outlining some of the trails she wants to hike with me, so I’m hopeful that this could become a new summer tradition, because I am SO into it.

Love to hike, love my girl.

3. What was your favorite thing to do during the summer as a kid?


I’d go to the pool with Erin all day.


I’d ride bikes and climb trees with Gail all day.


I’d play on the playground all day.


It would rain and I would lay around and read books all day.

I played when I was a kid.

All day, every day.

I didn’t watch tv.

We didn’t have a computer.

I just played.

And it was awesome.

4. How old were you when you were married? Were you a Bridezilla?

I was 26 when I got married.

I don’t think I was a Bridezilla, because I consider myself to be fairly laid back, but I’d need Kim, Erin, or Michaela to chime in here. (My sister-in-law was my Maid of Honor, but I don’t think she reads the blog.)

Or, I guess, Real Man could chime in, also.

But, I’ll say again, I think I was fairly laid back about the wedding.

Except when it rained on the wedding day and we had to change our venue for pictures and we were so late to the reception that we missed the cocktail hour and I never got my potato pancakes dipped in applesauce or my mini-hot dogs, which were ALL I could think about all day.

I mean, other than how happy I was to be marrying the love of my life.

Other than that…pretty laid back, I think.

5. What is your favorite girl name?

I’m partial to classic names like Julia, Olivia, Emma, Sara, Madeleine, Lily and Anna.

And, I guess that’s the answer to that.



  1. Finding out that you were not a bridezilla only makes me love you more. Going through my wedding preparations right now, I am creating a new definition for the term groomzilla! Truly the Zen that helps you to be a wonderful mother of four also was present as you were planning your wedding!

    Comment by Your brother from another mother. — June 8, 2012 @ 10:47 am | Reply

    • Let’s clarify, Mark…I don’t think I was a Bridezilla. That could COMPLETELY be an inaccurate statement. I’ll wait until the girls chime in before I take those kudos. 🙂

      Comment by abozza — June 8, 2012 @ 10:57 am | Reply

  2. We missed the cocktails at our wedding too, but just because it took longer to do pictures then we anticipated.

    Comment by Sarah — June 9, 2012 @ 1:14 am | Reply

    • Darn pictures!!!

      Comment by abozza — June 9, 2012 @ 6:36 am | Reply

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