My Real Life

July 13, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Is love at 1st sight possible?

I absolutely think so.

I don’t think love can be defined, and I think it happens for everyone in different ways, and I 100% believe that for some people, it can happen instantly.

2. How did you choose your pet’s name?

My very first dog was named Nellie.

I named her after Nellie Bly, the first female investigative journalist.

I SO wanted to be an investigative reporter.

Anyway, we had Nellie for one day and one night.

My Dad and I sat there with blood pouring out of our noses and realized that Nellie and our allergies weren’t going to mix.

So, back she went.

My next dog, Keebler, lived a long, happy life with our family.

My friend, Gail, and I named him while sitting in the back seat of my Dad’s car, on the way home from the pound.

He was in a cardboard box, and there were newspapers on the bottom of the box.

One on of the papers was an ad for Keebler Fudge cookies.

Keebler, it was.

I got Scooby Doo while I was in college.

I loved Scooby Doo when I was a kid, and decided that if I ever had another dog, after Keebler, his name would be Scooby Doo.

So, my roommate, DeeDee, and I went with Scooby Doo.

When Real Man and I got married, we also got a dog.

We named him Linus, as that was our favorite Peanuts character, but after one day, we decided he’d get beat up by the other neighborhood dogs with a name like Linus.

So, we changed it to Ben, because I had always loved the name.

So, Ben, or Bennie, it was.

Loved that guy.

3. What are you considering giving up (cable, home phone)?

I go back and forth about giving up our land line and just living off our cell phones, but I like having a central number for the family.



4. How much do you pay your babysitter?

Um, with hugs and kisses?

Right now, our only babysitters are our parents.

We don’t go out much, so we don’t use them much at night, but they are huge helps to us in the morning, getting the kids on the bus, and after school, if I have meetings, getting the kids off the bus.

One of these days, soon, we know we’ll need to get an actual babysitter (of course, Monkey Girl is getting older) but right now, it’s grandparent-nation around here.

And believe me, we are SO grateful.

5. How “young” is old enough to babysit?

It really depends on the child.

I think I started when I was 11 or 12.

Monkey Girl would like to start and is going to take the Red Cross babysitting course so she can get going on it.

She’ll be a great babysitter, and would probably be fine now, but I think she can wait until she was 12.


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June 29, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What’s your favorite childhood snack that you still eat as an adult?

I’m going to go with Double-Stuf Oreo’s.

And can I tell you that I hate that “Stuf” is spelled like “Stuf?”

I don’t like the chocolate part of an Oreo, unless it is completely saturated with milk.

I LOVE the cream, though, and so Double Stuf is the cookie for me.

I would go with Archway’s Iced Spice cookies, but they don’t make those suckers anymore.

They make Iced Oatmeal, in a terrible imitation, but no more Iced Spice.

2. What food will you not eat the low fat version of?

Um, anything?

I kid, I kid.

I don’t know…The low-fat version of a lot of foods is dry and cardboard-y, but I’ll give it a try.

Ooh, I just asked Real Man and he reminded me that I won’t eat Low-Fat Triscuits.

I love the greasy, saltiness of real Triscuits, and I don’t want the low-fat or sour cream and chive or any other version of Triscuits than the original.

So, leave the Triscuit alone!

3. What’s your favorite way to cool off during the summer?

1.  Swimming in the ocean.

2.  Going to the pool.

3. Drinking an ice cold glass of water.

4.  Air-conditioning.

4. What’s your favorite summer read?

I like reading summer romance novels.

Nora Roberts and her friends.

Nothing too racy, stuff set at the beach.

Just easy reads that don’t require much thinking and whisk me away to more vacation in my head.

5. What are you doing to stay cool in this awful heat?

It’s not really too bad where I am.

We’ve been trying to stay outside as much as possible.

We can take the heat, and when it gets too much, we head to the pool or turn on the sprinkler.

June 22, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What do you keep a stock pile of?

Toilet paper.

6 people in the house, 4 of them kids, 3 of them boys, 1 of them 6 years old.

The answer?

Toilet paper.

2. If Ben & Jerry asked you to invent an ice cream, what would it be?

Either something fruity and sherbet-y or something like a big container of frozen peanut butter with little bits of chocolate thrown in.

You’d need a chisel to get it out of the carton, but it would be worth it, because you’d have huge chunks of peanut butter in which to sink your teeth!


3. How do you blow off steam?


You’ll know if I’m in an incredibly good mood, or if I’ve had an incredibly stressful day by the music emanating from the kitchen.

Rockin’ dance parties in the kitchen, while I cook dinner, help to eliminate huge amounts of stress.

Take me OUT to go dancing?

I’m relaxed for a week.

I love to go out dancing, but haven’t been in forever.

Except for Mark’s wedding, and that was awesome.

4. What would you do if you had an hour to yourself anywhere within a ten mile radius of your home…no kids, no hubby, just you?

I’d probably wind up going hiking.

There’s a little trail with BIG rocks to climb up, in the town in which we used to live, which isn’t too far away.

There are other, more challenging trails that I enjoy, but not within a 10-mile radius.

I love that trail, because I love the rock climbing.

It’s physically exerting

Monkey Girl loves to go on that trail with me, but if I had the hour to myself, I’d go alone because there is something to be said for being able to go at your own pace, and being able to listen to the ground under your feet and the animals around you.  Sometimes it’s nice to be able to be in my own head, without having to actively listen to someone else, as my career and my life at home seriously revolves around active listening.  I’m good at it.  But sometimes…I just like to be in my head, with my thoughts.

5. When you were 16, what was your curfew in the summertime?

Um…I have no idea.

I think, maybe 11 or 12?

I wasn’t doing anything that would cause my parents to need me to come home early, so I’m not really sure.

Kim? Erin? Michaela?

A little help?

June 15, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Would you grow your hair out to donate it?

Been there, done that, would be more than happy to do it again.

2. What song makes you think of summer?

California Girls by the Beach Boys

Summer in the City by the Lovin’ Spoonful

Both of these automatically bring me to the summer, no matter the actual season.

I know I’ve already led you there, but let me redirect you to my friend, Shane’s, blog, in which he outlines “Summer Lovin’ and the Songs of Summer.”

3. Are you a flip flops or sandals kind of person?


I love my flip flops, but I don’t love plastic-y, cheap flip flops.

I have Addidas flip flops that have a gel-like cushiony foot base.

I love them.

However, I love my sandals for dressier occasions.

Strappy sandals, sandals with heels.

Love them.

My favorite shoes are my trail walking sneakers, but I enjoy my flips and my sandals, as well.

4. Favorite summer treat (ie ice cream, snow cones, etc)?

Dairy Queen large chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles.

I have actually dreamed of these cones.

5. Do you do something special for the father of your children on Fathers day?

I can’t answer this question on the grounds that Father’s Day is two days away and the father of my children reads this blog and I wouldn’t want to ruin any surprises the monkeys or I might have in store.

However, I can safely say that, in the past, we have made him breakfast, bought him lovely gifts, and tried to let him chill and relax for the day.

As for this year?

My lips are sealed.

June 8, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Did you do anything special for your kids on the last day of school? Or did you parents do anything special for you?

Our last day of school isn’t for another week, and I’ve never really done anything special for the kids because their last day of school is also always my last day of school.

Although, that night is the first sleepover night of the summer, and they get to start their later, summer bedtime, and we usually have a family movie night that night, so I guess that might qualify.

However, those are things we usually do on Friday nights all year, so maybe not.

Except that, it being the first night of summer vacation ups the fun quotient.

So, yeah.

Or, no.

Who cares?  It’s summer!

2. What’s your favorite summer tradition with your children?

I don’t have a summer tradition with my kids, and these questions are starting to make me feel like a bad parent.

We go to the beach every year for vacation, so I guess that could qualify.

This year, however, Monkey Girl has already begun outlining some of the trails she wants to hike with me, so I’m hopeful that this could become a new summer tradition, because I am SO into it.

Love to hike, love my girl.

3. What was your favorite thing to do during the summer as a kid?


I’d go to the pool with Erin all day.


I’d ride bikes and climb trees with Gail all day.


I’d play on the playground all day.


It would rain and I would lay around and read books all day.

I played when I was a kid.

All day, every day.

I didn’t watch tv.

We didn’t have a computer.

I just played.

And it was awesome.

4. How old were you when you were married? Were you a Bridezilla?

I was 26 when I got married.

I don’t think I was a Bridezilla, because I consider myself to be fairly laid back, but I’d need Kim, Erin, or Michaela to chime in here. (My sister-in-law was my Maid of Honor, but I don’t think she reads the blog.)

Or, I guess, Real Man could chime in, also.

But, I’ll say again, I think I was fairly laid back about the wedding.

Except when it rained on the wedding day and we had to change our venue for pictures and we were so late to the reception that we missed the cocktail hour and I never got my potato pancakes dipped in applesauce or my mini-hot dogs, which were ALL I could think about all day.

I mean, other than how happy I was to be marrying the love of my life.

Other than that…pretty laid back, I think.

5. What is your favorite girl name?

I’m partial to classic names like Julia, Olivia, Emma, Sara, Madeleine, Lily and Anna.

And, I guess that’s the answer to that.


June 1, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What were you scared of as a kid?

I believe we’ve covered this topic, ad naseum, but I will answer again.


Porcelain dolls.

End of story.

2. Do you sleep well in a hotel?

Like a baby.

In fact, sleeping in a hotel is one of the few times that I actually sleep through the night, undisturbed.

It’s like it takes some sort of responsibility off my shoulders, and it’s just enough to allow me to sleep.

All night.

It’s a beautiful thing.

3. If you could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who and why?

Hmmm…tough one.

I’d love to meet Jennifer Garner.

I think we’d be friends.

I’d also love to meet Reese Witherspoon, just to see if we really do resemble each other in person.

I’d like to go back in time and meet Heath Ledger and tell him to clean up his act, otherwise, his little girl is going to grow up without him.

I’d like to meet Mark Wahlberg.

Just to stare for a bit.

I’d like to meet Billy Joel and have him just play the piano for me for a few hours.

I’d like to meet Stephen King.

I’d just be happy to sit in a room with him in absolute silence and be in awe of his talent.

And, although I don’t think he’s a celebrity by today’s standards, Lord, would I love to meet Mozart.

Like Stephen King, I’d be happy just to sit in a room with him, although I’d want there to be a piano so I could watch his mind at work.

4. It’s a hot summer day. Do you prefer to be pool side or at the beach?

At the beach.

Because that means I’m on vacation.

The pool is great, but the pool means I’m home.

I don’t have a beach down the street, so if I’m on the beach, I’m away from home, and that, my friends, is a lovely thing.

I don’t even mind the extra work that the beach is, with four kids.

I welcome it.

Because it means I’m on vacation.

5. What is your favorite summer dish?

Tuna noodle salad.

Especially because no one else here will eat it.

So it’s mine.

All mine.

May 25, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Are you a napper?


I have never been able to nap in the middle of the day.

That’s how I knew I was really sick, and should probably slow down and take care of myself this week.

5 naps in two days.

That’s so NOT how I roll.

2. What was your favorite subject in school? Most hated?

I loved math.

I loved math so much.

All the way through elementary school, loved it.

We did these math packets in 6th grade and it was a contest to earn points toward an ice cream party.

Couldn’t believe they were giving me a reward for doing something as fun as math.

I loved math with Mrs. Tribus, in particular.

Freshman year Algebra and Senior year Triogonometry.

My all-time favorite classes.

I love Algebra and everything Algebraic.

It’s why I loved teaching chemical equations in Science.

I hated gym.

Seriously hated gym.

I can’t climb the ropes, I can’t do pull-ups, I suck at the Presidential Fitness challenge.

No one picked me for their team and I really felt like kids were graded on their ability, not on their effort, but we all had to take the class, so that didn’t seem fair.

So, I started to cut.

And lie.

And that’s when I started to get A’s and met Real Man, so I guess it all worked out for me.

Great message to the kids.

I will say that gym class is MUCH different today…at least in our district.

I probably wouldn’t cut today.

Or at least, not as often.

3. Did you have the something old new borrowed and blue at your wedding? What were they?


I’m not really sentimental, but my Mom is.

So, I probably did.

Ma…wanna field this one?

4. What one thing are you determined to do this summer?

Make sure the monkeys have fun.

They’ve, essentially, lost two summers in a row.

The summer of 2010, I was pregnant and sick, sick, sick all day, all night, every single day of the summer.

We didn’t do much of anything, and I felt really badly for it, but public vomiting just wasn’t high on my list of ways to spend time.

Last summer, we spent the summer packing and moving and it was stressful and absolutely no fun at all.

We didn’t even get to the pool, the past two summers, more than a few times.

So, this summer?

We’re hitting the pool, going to the park, taking day trips, running through the sprinkler, playing badminton, playing kickball, going hiking, going to the movies on rainy days, having ice cream for lunch, and doing whatever else their hearts desire (within reason).

5. Ice cream or Popsicles?

I live in a house of Popsicle people.

I, however, am an ice cream girl, all the way.

Popsicles are more refreshing, it’s true.

However, they aren’t as satisfying as ice cream.

A large chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles from Dairy Queen is my all-time favorite ice cream.

And, if we’re talking sundaes, it’s the Friendly’s Reese’s Pieces Sunday with chocolate ice cream, hot peanut butter sauce, hot fudge sauce, and Reese’s Pieces.

Oh, summer…I’m so glad you are almost here!

May 18, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What’s the last thing you bought for yourself?

I bought myself a bathing suit last Thursday.

Last summer, I had to get a new suit because I still was carrying around the extra poundage from Tiny’s pregnancy (gained 60 pounds with that little monkey), and I was still nursing.  So, I needed a larger suit.

This summer, I’m generally back to normal, but I’ve lost some confidence in my old suits, (read, ‘I’ve lost some confidence in myself’)  so I needed to get something new.

I got one.  I don’t love it.  But I got it.

2. What is your favorite meal on a hot summer day?

I love cold tuna noodle salad.

Tuna from a can is the only seafood I can eat without a terrible allergic reaction, and so I try to make the most of it.

Tuna, elbow macaroni, mayo, chopped up celery, pepper.

So.  Good.

3. Have you started looking at swimsuits for this year, and do you buy a new one every year?


See Question 1.

4. What kind of candy are you like?

Um, that’s a weird one.

I guess I’d liken myself to a Tootsie Pop.

I’m surrounded by a layer that can break your teeth to get through, but once you do, you are rewarded with sweet goodness.

Hard to get to know, but (I think) once you do, I’m a good friend.

5. What are you most passionate about?

My family.

My friends.

I’m loyal.

Say whatever you want about me, but don’t mess with my people.

May 11, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What advice would you give a couple getting married?

Be each other’s best friend.

Make each other laugh.

Tell each other, every day, how very much you love each other.

Mean it.

Be willing to change together.


Make up.

Be willing to do the hard work to make it forever.

2. If you could tell your 16 year old self ONE thing, what would it be?

It gets better.

3. What do you do to keep cool in the summer? (AC, windows, fans, swimming, etc.)

We join our local pool.

We use our ceiling fans.

We wear shorts and tank tops.

We run through the sprinklers.

We drink cold drinks.

We try really, really hard to not turn on the AC, but usually, by mid-July, we cave.

4. What did you (or your wife) crave most while pregnant?


I normally drink milk regularly, but when I was pregnant (all four times) I drank more milk that any one person should ever drink.

5. Who is your favorite TV mom? Why?

As I told you in this week’s Truthful Tuesday, I watch a lot of tv.

A pathetic amount of tv.

However, I don’t think that I can pick a favorite tv Mom out of the shows I watch.

They are either too snarky or too sweet.

They are all just…too.

I’d like more of a balance of all of it.

That would be my favorite tv Mom.

May 4, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday,Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What did you wear to prom? Include a picture if possible.

That, my friends, is Real Man and Yours Truly at the Junior Prom.

We. Were. So. Young.

2. Would you rather be on the biggest loser or a food eating challenge?

Uh, since the question isn’t which do I NEED to be on, I’ll go for food eating challenge.

Preferably a chocolate and peanut butter eating contest.

Hmmm…the peanut butter might slow me down.

Okay, just a chocolate eating contest.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

3. What is your favorite refreshing summer drink?

If I could drink anything I want?

A massive cup of red Kool Aid that I’d drink until I had a red mustache and then I’d run through the wall, leaving a hole the shape of my body…or in the shape of an awesome, enormous glass Kool Aid pitcher that no one I knew ever actually owned.

Since I can’t?

Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade with lots and lots of ice.

I like a summer drink to be cold, cold, cold.

4. What was your first car, and what did you call it?

My first car was a 1985 Nissan Pulsar.

I called her Isabella.

It was black.  It was sporty.  It was way used when I got it, but it was new to me and I loved it.

Then, I crashed it.

Sold her for scrap.

And that was the end of Isabella.

Until I got my next car…a not-so-sporty Oldsmobile Achieva.

And I named her Isabella, too.

5. What’s one thing your child or spouse does that sends you over the edge? 

Debating whether or not I should answer this, because someone, in this house, might read it and then purposefully do whatever it is I write, just to push me over the edge.

Let’s see…

It drives me batty when:

-I’ve just finished emptying the sink and loading up the dishwasher, when someone walks over and puts a dirty dish in the sink.  Did you not notice what I’ve been doing for the past ten minutes?  Did it cross your mind, as you walked AROUND the open dishwasher door to pop your dirty dish in there?  And then, when they say “Oh, I didn’t know if the dishwasher was clean or dirty,” I think to myself, “Uh, so check.  And if it’s clean, empty it.  And if it’s dirty, drop in your dish.”

-I’ve been in a room for 20 minutes, and as soon as I get up, stretch, and walk out of the room, someone calls my name and calls me back to the room to tell me something.  Seriously?  I sat there for 20 freaking minutes and it was like I wasn’t in the room.  NOW you have something to tell me?

-I have to repeat myself.  I have serious issues with repeating myself and I have a husband with some serious hearing loss in one ear and a child who I suspect also has some hearing loss.  Good times.  By the third time, it takes all my control not to scream whatever it was I was saying at the top of my lungs.  “I SAID I LOVE YOU!!!  THERE!  ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?”

-I’m anticipating someone’s need and I am up, doing something like pouring someone a glass of milk, and as I walk over to the table with it, they say “Mom…can you please pour me a glass of milk?”  It seriously makes me want to just dump the glass of milk on the floor.

-Someone eats the last of some treat we have in the house and leaves the box or container in the pantry or fridge, and I think about having that treat all day long, and then, when I get home and go to have it, I pull out the box and its empty.  Kinda makes me want to be a food hoarder with secret stashes.

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