My Real Life

August 2, 2013

Five Question Friday Goes to the Movies

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Where in the theater do you like to sit when you’re at the movies?

I like to sit in the center in the center. (You understand that?)

Close enough to have the screen look huge, but far enough away so I’m not straining my neck to look up.

Right in the middle so I don’t have to look to one side or the other.

Real Man and I go to the movies at a mall in a nearby town that has stadium seating.


2. What characteristics does the ideal movie companion have?

The ideal movie companion must:

Like popcorn and soda during a movie, so I don’t feel like a pig when I get mine.

Not chew loudly or crinkle the bag when it’s a quiet scene.

Absolutely must not lift the bag up and pour the last kernels in their mouth.

Not act like a movie I am enjoying is terrible.

Realize that I am going to want to see every movie that they preview before the main event.

Have napkins or tissues prepared for my tears…both during previews and the show.

3. What memory do you have of things not going quite as usual at the movies?

Remember the movie “Contact” with Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughy?

So, Real Man and I went to see that film.

We got all the way through to where Jodie is back from her visit with the aliens and they are telling her it was a dream and then one of the government officials says, “Well, there was something very interesting on the recorder that was in the ship.”

Suddenly, the film (those of you who are only old enough to see digital films will have no idea what I’m talking about, here) burned and dissolved on the screen.

Everyone is like “NO!!!!” and they assure us they will get it back up in a second.

After ten minutes, the lights dim and the movie starts back up, just as one of the other government officials says “Well, that IS interesting.”


Another time, we went to see “Heart of Darkness.”

In the first fifteen minutes, this movie also burned on the screen.

They got it back, but the soundtrack didn’t match the film for the rest of the movie.

People were so angry, they were yelling and throwing popcorn at the screen.

I don’t remember exactly, but I think they gave us all free passes to come back another night.

4. What are your feelings about commercials and movie previews playing before the film you’re there to see?

Commercials, no, thank you.

I just spent a bajillion dollars on my tickets and food, so please don’t try to sell me something else.

Previews, absolutely.

I will sometimes watch the movie preview channel on tv because I love them so much.

It’s nice to think about what movies you want to see in the future.

A great preview is almost better than a great movie.

Okay, maybe that’s stretching it.

But I’m totally in for the previews.

5. Who is an actor or director whose involvement in a film is enough to make you want to see it?

The first person is Joseph Kosinski – director.

Joe is married to a childhood friend of mine.

I danced at his wedding and just think he and his wife are just some amazing, down to earth people.

So far, Joe has directed “Tron: Legacy” and “Oblivion.”

Clearly, I’m not just going to his movies because I know him.

He does great work.

The next person is Jennifer Garner.

She doesn’t necessarily make the best movies (read: “Elektra”), but she does make some cute ones (read: “13 Going on 30”) and I have loved her since “Alias.”

There’s just something about her.

I think I might add Matt Damon onto this list.

I’m sitting here thinking of movies I love and he’s been in quite a few.

Oh, and speaking of, Justin Timberlake.

Sorry, but I can’t help myself.

Is there anything that guy doesn’t do well?

I’ve also seen everything Reese Witherspoon has made.

I think that has more to do with the fact that people are always telling me that I look like her than the fact that she makes great movies.

It’s like imagining myself on the screen, which is something I do frequently since it was always a dream of mine.

I would also watch anything that involves JJ Abrams and Joss Whedon.

They’ve made some of my favorite television shows and they have made amazing transitions to the big screen.

I want to say Mark Wahlberg, because, seriously.  Mark Wahlberg.

But, some, I just can’t get into.

Maybe I could just watch them on mute.

I think that might be my “Must-see” list.

Until I read this tomorrow and think of five more.

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