My Real Life

July 12, 2013

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:23 pm

1. Would you rather pay for house cleaner or spa day?

I would absolutely rather pay for a house cleaner than a spa day.

Coming home and having my house clean and not having to have been the one to clean it?

Like a mini-spa all on it’s own.

2. Who plans what gifts you get for holidays, you or your spouse?

Real Man does an excellent job of listening, all year long, to every single thing that I say.

Then, when the holidays roll around, I always get surprised with things that I said I needed/wanted throughout the year and don’t even remember anymore.

It’s kinda awesome.

That being said, if there is something that I want around the holidays, I’m sure to get that, as well.

Cuz he’s also good like that.

3. How many hours of sleep do you get? Do you need more?

I get about 8 hours of sleep a night.

I may need more, but I’m not about to get it.

I go to bed around 9 and am usually asleep by 10 and am up a little before 6, no matter what day of the week it is, also no matter if anyone else is up or not.

It seems to work for me.

4. Do you like your hair long or short?

I like it long.

It’s so much easier to throw in a ponytail, and I’m a wash-n-go girl.

When I got it cut so short back in the fall, suddenly I had to do stuff with it and I don’t enjoy doing my hair one little bit.

So, I’ve been growing it as quickly as I can.

Which is not quick enough for me.

That being said, almost everyone I know has said that they liked it better when it was short.

5. When was the last time you were pulled over and what was it for?

Wow…I don’t remember.

When I was in college, I would have been able to tell you exactly when the last time I had been pulled over because it was a frequent occurrence.

I went to college in Ohio and made an 8 hour trip into a 6 one every time I drove out and home.

But, now I’m all responsible and whatnot, so I drive carefully.

I also always have my kids in the car with me, and i definitely don’t take chances with the monkeys.

So, I think the last time I was pulled over was a few years ago.

I was coming down a busy, local street.

I pulled into the left turn lane a few feet before the arrow part of the lane, crossing the yellow stripey zone, and a cop pulled me right over.

He told me that the stripey zone was for pedestrians, and I have to tell you, I don’t think that’s correct, based on where the crosswalk is and where the stripey zone is, but who am I to argue with a cop.


On an unrelated note to Five Question Friday, last night, I was utterly zonked and went to bed early.

I am the television planner in our house, but I was fast asleep by 8:00.

And apparently, we missed the best movie EVER.

Real Man and I have a “thing” for terrible SyFy movies.

The ridiculous ones.

And last night, we missed Sharknado.

A tornado full of sharks, my friends.

A tornado full of sharks.

Can you even imagine anything more amazing to watch?

I’m not sure I can.

Apparently, everyone, even Mia Farrow, was watching and Tweeting about it.

And we missed it.

Missed it.


1 Comment »

  1. I’m with you on all five this week, although it sounds like Real Man definitely does well on #2; better than I do. Something for us all to aspire to for those we love:- ).

    Comment by Marcia — July 12, 2013 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

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