My Real Life

March 17, 2013

Movie Night

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

We got home from the hospital on Wednesday and life returned to normal by Thursday morning.

Until Friday afternoon when I got a call at school from Baby Monkey’s school nurse stating that I had to get over to the school right away because he had suddenly broken out in a horrifying rash during lunch and she had already given him Benadryl, but was waiting on the Epi-Pen because they couldn’t confirm that he ate a nut or that anyone around him was eating nuts.

Off I went.

By the time I got there, the rash was red and angry and covered his ears, face, chest, and back.  The nurse said that it already looked 100 times better than when they brought him in.

I can’t even imagine what it must have looked like before I got there, because he looked like someone threw a pot of scalding water in his face.

I said I’d take him across the street to the Fast ER and out the door we went.

Halfway across the parking lot, he made a little whiny sound and promptly threw up his entire lunch.

On my boots.

Long story short, it was an allergic reaction to something, but no one can figure out what and the poor kid is now on steroids.

Oh, and while we were at the Fast ER, we got a text from Tiny’s babysitter.

101.9 fever.

Two sick kids who suddenly couldn’t bear for me to even leave the room.

I cancelled my Friday night plans and declared it a family movie night.

We all snuggled up on the couch (at this point, we’ve all spread our germs to each other a million times over…what’s a few more germs passed through snuggling gonna hurt) and put in “Rise of the Guardians.”

We’ve been dying to see this movie.

Our original plan was to go when it was in the theater, but we never quite made it.

Then we had it planned for last weekend, but you all know how last weekend went.

So, Friday night it was.

Real Man popped some popcorn, we covered up with the blanket and started the movie.

The first ten minutes were just fantastic.

Excellent graphics, beautiful music, a story that hooked you right in.

We were all spellbound.

The last five minutes were really touching.

What a great way to wrap up a story…seriously.


What about the rest of the movie, you ask?

I can’t really speak to the rest of the movie, because despite the fact it was 7:00 at night, ten minutes in, Real Man and I fell fast asleep.

Not ‘movie dozing,’ but absolutely, 100%, fast asleep.

Snoring, drooling, twitching, mumbling, asleep.

The kids assured us it was a great film and that we weren’t too distracting.

Don’t take our napping as a sign that it was anything less than a stellar movie.

It was just one hell of a week.


  1. You are certainly due a great week this week! Spring break can’t come soon enough for you…fingers crossed for a good day/week.

    Comment by Sandi — March 17, 2013 @ 9:09 am | Reply

  2. Thanks, Sandi…all seem to be well today, so I’m hopeful! 🙂

    Comment by abozza — March 17, 2013 @ 9:45 am | Reply

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