My Real Life

March 8, 2013

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Does your family coordinate clothing for church on holidays like Easter?



We barely coordinate our own outfits for ourselves on a daily basis, much less bother coordinating with each other.

2. How do you get out of a funk?

Dancing, baby.

Really loud music and just dancing and totally rocking out.

Works every single time.

3. Online friends – real friendships or not?

If you had asked me this five years ago, I think I might have said not real.

However, in that time, I believe I’ve found that the nature of human relationships has changed and that it is possible to create and sustain real friendships online.

I have friends who met their spouses online and before they met, they started friendships.

Some of them were friends for a year or two, online, before they finally met.

They are in some, what appear to be, very strong marriages.

I’ve built friendships with people I knew a bit,in person, but online have come to know much better and these friendships, as well, are very real and very special to me.

Of course, there are people who create faux personas (and I don’t mean people who steal identities) and put a face online that they would like people to think is real, when, in fact, they are far from their real selves, but these aren’t the people I’m talking about.

So, online friends…real friendships, indeed.

4. What is the one food you must eat in a restaurant (not make yourself)?

Um, considering my extremely limited cooking skills, I’d say just about anything on the menu.

If I had to pick one, I’d go with filet mignon.  There is nothing like a good filet.

And when I cook it, it is not a good filet.

I will also order chicken quesadillas wherever I go.

I make quesadillas, but not chicken quesadillas, so I’m a bit of a restaurant connoisseur of the chicken quesadilla.

5. What would happen in your home if you ran out of ketchup?


No one around here eats ketchup except Real Man, and even then, he only eats it on meatloaf or hamburgers.

I think the ketchup we currently have in the fridge has lasted almost two years.


What happens in other homes when they run out of ketchup?

I’m a little intrigued!

1 Comment »

  1. Several years ago (it may be over a decade) I saw a statistic that potatoes and tomatoes were the most eaten ‘veggies’ by American kids due to French fries and ketchup from fast food places. Sad, but true.

    Comment by Carla — March 9, 2013 @ 9:54 am | Reply

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