My Real Life

October 8, 2012

Monday Musings

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

1.  There was a rumble in the Monkey House on Sunday.

We are a football family.

Normally, we root wholeheartedly for the Giants.

I am a fan.  A big fan.

Real Man and Monkey in the Middle are bigger fans.

Because, they’ve always been Giants fans.


I grew up in a Browns household, and so while the blood in my boys veins runs true blue, my veins are an interesting mixture of blue and white and brown and orange.

And yesterday was the Giants/Browns game.

By now, you know it didn’t go well for me, but anyone who follows football also knows that we Browns fans learned a long time ago how to deal with disappointment gracefully.

2.  Real Man had a bout of insomnia the other night.

So, the next morning, he recounted some of the shows he watched while he was up.

“It was really terrible,” he said, and then began to tell me the plot.

It sounded pretty awful, and then about halfway through, he said, ‘Wait!  I can tell you exactly how bad it was.”

“Okay,” I said.

“Joey Lawrence was in it.”

I nodded.

“Say no more.”

3.  I was watching “Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo” while I was folding laundry the other day.

I believe the quote of the week for me was “Bingo is a sport.”

Now, I have played some serious Bingo when I was in college and would go home with my roommate, DeeDee, some weekends.

We would go with her Mom and play and it was serious business.

And it was fun.

But, a sport?

I’m gonna have to draw the line there.

4.  Okay, I just watched another episode.

I have to change the quote of the week.

Honey Boo Boo’s older sister just had a baby and the baby was born with two thumbs on her right hand.

The new quote of the week is “I wish I had an extra finger…then I could grab more cheese balls.”

5.  My favorite thing about cooler nights?

Footie jammies.

6.  I have become more than a little obsessed with Pitch Perfect since I saw it with Erin and Michaela on Saturday night.

I don’t think this is a spoiler to share.

It’s one of my favorite scenes.

Oh, and I think I may have a new favorite actor, as well.

Skylar Astin

Such a cutie and a great singer, to boot.

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