As I write this, I am in the middle of Night #3 of no sleep for me.
Night #1 was due to a 3 am rendezvous with Tiny.
Night #2 and Night #3…it’s all me.
Can’t blame Tiny.
In fact, I can hear him sawing a whole forest of logs in there, right now.
I’ve tried…I really have.
But, I can’t turn my mind off.
I start thinking about something funny that happened at work.
Which reminds me of the papers I need to grade at work.
Which reminds me that my grades need to be entered into the system at work, so I really need to finish grading those papers so I can get the grades done in my grading program and then transfer them to the report card system.
Which makes me think that maybe I should just get out the computer and start working on it.
Which reminds me of the Social Studies project that Monkey Girl was borrowing my laptop to complete tonight.
Which makes me smile because I remember how much fun I had cleaning the kitchen while she was working on the project, just chatting away.
Which reminds me that we really need to sweep the kitchen more often, because Tiny is now a crawler and will put absolutely anything that he can pinch between those impossibly small fingers into his mouth.
Which makes me envision the laundry room, off of the kitchen, where the broom is kept.
Which makes me a little nauseous because, aside from the broom, I am also envisioning the sickening loads of laundry that are in there, just waiting to be dealt with.
Which makes me remember that all 3 big kids have “Sports Day” tomorrow, and they all want to wear Giant jerseys.
Which makes me a little upset, because I wanted to wear my Giants jersey to school tomorrow, but Monkey Girl is going to borrow it, so I have to think of a Plan B.
Which makes me nauseous, again, because now I’m mentally going through my closet, and in that closet is a laundry basket full of laundry that needs to be done.
Which reminds me that tomorrow is Friday, which starts the weekend, and I’m hoping to get the laundry squared away this weekend.
Which makes my neck tense, because it makes me think about the fact that the Christmas tree is still up.
Which makes me smile because it reminds me of Christmas and how much fun the monkeys had.
Which makes me get a little tic because, in thinking about Christmas presents, I realize that we are now in February, and all 4 monkeys have birthdays this month, which means lots of parties to plan and presents to buy.
Which reminds me I have to transfer some money from savings into checking to pay some bills tomorrow.
Which makes me wonder if Real Man is getting paid this week or next week.
Which makes me remember that Monkey in the Middle wants to buy a snack a lunch tomorrow, with his own money, instead of having me pack one.
Which makes me worry that I don’t remember where I moved his wallet last time he left it out on the counter.
Which makes me think of the kitchen and the mess on the counter.
Which reminds me of the mess on the floor.
Which makes me think of Tiny and makes me listen to him sawing wood in his crib, over the monitor.
Which finally makes me sleepy.
Okay, I think I’m good now.
Ok this is HILARIOUS! Such a mom-brain. So with you! Xo
Comment by Heather — February 4, 2012 @ 8:43 am |
Thx, Heather!
Comment by abozza — February 4, 2012 @ 9:07 am |
We could have kept each other company last night. Moo has a fever and a nasty cough. It isn’t keeping her down though–she is up and as active as ever. Even in the middle of the night, when we all should be sleeping. Instead we’re watching ‘Punzel’ and she is laughing hysterically every time she toots.
Comment by nicdowell — February 4, 2012 @ 8:56 am |
Nic, I hope Moo feels better soon! She’d be getting big laughs over here…the monkeys think tooting is the most hilarious thing ever.
Comment by abozza — February 4, 2012 @ 9:08 am |
ADD, much?
Comment by Carla — February 5, 2012 @ 12:19 am |
At 3 am? Absolutely, Carla, absolutely!
Comment by abozza — February 5, 2012 @ 8:51 am |
This is how I am EVERY night! I pay for it in the morning and vow to relax more the next time, then get frenzied in the evening all over again. Someday I might learn.
Comment by thismummaslife — February 5, 2012 @ 11:31 pm |
I don’t think we CAN learn not to do it. It’s hard to turn it off!
Comment by abozza — February 6, 2012 @ 9:28 pm |
[…] as I wrote my post about my brain not shutting off while I was trying to sleep, the other night, I was reminded of the […]
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