My Real Life

February 8, 2013

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What holiday do you wish did not exist?

Um…Columbus Day?

I’m not sure I even really get this question.

Everyone needs a reason to celebrate sometimes.

Oh…got one…St. Patrick’s Day.

Not to get on a soapbox, here, but it appears to me, that In the U.S., St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated solely as an excuse for people to start getting drunk as soon as they get up in the morning, and I really can’t get on board with that.

It’s turned into a dangerous, stupid holiday.

Of course, that’s just my opinion, and millions of drunk wanna-be-Irish would argue with me, but that’s okay.

I’m used to being on the opposite side of most arguments.

2. What is your favorite romance/love movie?

Love Actually is definitely up at the top of the list.

I love The Holiday, which I think I’ve mentioned a few hundred times before.

I love the story of The Notebook, as it’s a story of enduring and lifelong love.

I love the story of The Bridges of Madison County.

The scene at the end where she is in the truck with her husband and they see Robert’s truck in the intersection and he hangs the thing from his rearview mirror and she stays in the car, but is crying.

Good stuff.

You’ve Got Mail and A Walk to Remember always get me.

I can’t believe I’m admitting to this, but The English Patient was a pretty good love story, as well.

Then, not a movie, but a television show, Scandal is an insane show full of Washington intrigue and a very passionate love story about two people who cannot be together.

The episode named The Trail is the best example of love at first sight that just can’t be shaken that I’ve ever seen.  (It’s on
3. Do you make a big production out of celebrating Valentine’s Day?


Every day is Valentine’s Day around here.


We don’t, really.

The kids do it up at school and that seems to take care of it.

Real Man and I exchange cards and I get the monkeys a card and a little treat, but that’s pretty much it.

was kidding when I said every day was Valentine’s Day around here, however, there is some truth to it.

We constantly tell the monkeys (and each other) how much we love each other, and there’s more than enough hugs and kisses to go around on a daily basis.

4. What is something weird you did as a child? (or even now!)

Everything I did as a kid was weird.

I’m still fairly weird as an adult.

I asked Real Man this question and he said that the way I take medicine is weird.

I take a mouthful of my drink, then I drop in the pills, shake my head around and swallow.

If I put the pills in my mouth first, they get stuck on my tongue.


The monkeys think it’s weird that I sing everything to them.

I don’t realize I’m doing it, but when I think about it…they’re right.

I can’t sleep in bare feet.  I must have socks on, or else I honestly cannot fall asleep.

And, if I’m sleeping and a sock falls off, I’m up.
5. What makes you love your husband, really LOVE him, you know since Valentines is coming up?

He makes me laugh.

Really laugh.

And he does so effortlessly.

When I really need it, when we are just sitting around being silly…on an every day basis, Real Man makes me laugh.

Out loud.

Also, he’s an amazing father.

You fall in love with your husband all over again when he becomes a father.

Real Man has  a way with all of our kids, and is a naturally good father.

He’s always there…steady…consistent…trustworthy.

I can count on Real Man.  Always.

Finally, I still get excited when I know I am going to see him, as he still takes my breath away.

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