My Real Life

March 4, 2011

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 9:11 am
1. Have you ever forgotten your child in a store or at school?
In fact, it’s a huge fear of mine to lose track of a child, and so I’m like a freaking hawk when we go out.
I have nightmares about my children getting lost, and they fuel my anxiety when we’re out.
So, again, no.
2. Where did you go on your very first date? (Like…first first, not first with your spouse or current significant other!)
Um…I’m not really sure.
I guess if you truly mean first first, it would have been to meet some boy at the baseball field and sit together during a Little League game.  The field was right down the street from me, and my friend, Gail, and I would go down and sit in the stands and watch the games.  A few times we met a boy or two and sat with them in 6th or 7th grade.
If you mean with an actual boyfriend, again, I’m not sure, but I guess I’d have to say at that same park, I met up with a boy I was dating in 7th grade at the swings.  It was all quite innocent, but I’ve always remembered it as my “first date.”
3. What’s your “silly” fear? (We’re not talking water and heights.)
First of all, let’s be clear…
I don’t think it’s silly AT ALL.
However, many do.
I’m terrified of clowns and porcelain dolls.
And, I don’t want to talk about it.
4. Confrontation: do you cause it, deal with is as it comes, or run far far away?
I cause it.
I don’t like to let anything simmer.
Why be angry when you can work through it?
So, if there are upset feelings, I deal with them head on.
Makes those close to me uncomfortable, at times, but I’m all about confrontation.
Get it out in the open, deal with it, and move on.

5. Wood floors or carpet?
Wood floors.
Carpet is pretty, but achoo!

1 Comment »

  1. I am with you on the clowns thing!

    Happy friday!

    Comment by Megan — March 4, 2011 @ 11:53 pm | Reply

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