So, you may have noticed that this week’s posts haven’t really had many monkey pictures. That’s because Real man found a laptop on that was a FABULOUS deal, and I’ve been in need of a new laptop for quite some time. My laptop works, but is, quite possibly, the slowest computer in the world. You’ve seen the blog. I can type a blog entry in five minutes or less. The problem? Copying it from Word and pasting it into WordPress and adding the pictures took about a half hour every morning. In reality, it should just be another five minutes or less. So, you can sense my frustration.
So, for the past few days, I have been cleaning up and cleaning out the old laptop. I pulled all of my pictures off of the desktop and saved them to a flashdrive. I deleted things that were no longer needed and just generally got it ready for its new owner: Monkey Girl.
As you can imagine, she is beside herself with excitement. She has just started typing her weekly homework writing assignments, (Monday night she brainstorms, on Tuesday she writes the rough draft, on Wednesday revises and edits, and on Thursday writes the final copy…she loves typing it all, except the brainstorm, and turns off spell check so she can edit her own work…she’s becoming quite the little typist…can’t imagine where she gets that from) and while she liked to use Real Man’s desktop, the idea of having her own laptop to type on was extremely exciting.
Anyway, the new laptop came while I was at choir tonight! I’m typing this entry on the new laptop, and will, hopefully, get back to our regularly scheduled programming soon.
Oh! And the exciting news! It has a webcam. Perhaps I’ll give you some video entries every now and then!!! Oh the possibilities!
So, for now, bear with me while I adjust to the new technology and perhaps make a few more entries about non-monkey related issues. Trust me…I’m saving up. There is still lots of monkey business going on around here!