My Real Life

September 24, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:27 pm
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I’m feeling grumpy and unsettled tonight, and I can’t quite put my finger on why.

My Facebook status last night was “Too busy tonight.  Doctor was running an hour late. Now everything is behind.  Grrrr…”

A friend commented that it must have been a really bad day, because I don’t usually post negative things.

I thought about that comment and realized that he was right.

I am pretty darn happy with my life.

But, this week, I’m off.

Life is just kinda off.

Granted, it’s been a very busy week.

On Tuesday, I had to get Monkey in the Middle to football, then get to choir, then not home until later, all after working a full day.

On Wednesday, lots to do around here in the afternoon, then Back to School Night for Monkey in the Middle, which was great, but we didn’t get home until 8:30, smack dab in the middle of a thunder and lightning storm, which meant that the monkeys were up until around 9:45.

On Thursday, I had a doctor appointment, which ran an hour late, (and which gave me conflicting information from my regular doctor appointment) then had to race to get Monkey in the Middle to football, drop he and the other monkeys off with Real Man, then race home, brush my hair, and head to a different Back to School Night, where I was speaking to the crowd, and didn’t get home until 8:30.

Tonight, I was looking forward to just chilling.

I taught piano after school, picked up the monkeys and headed home.

I planned on making cavatelli and broccoli, relaxing, watching some tv with Real Man, playing board games with the kids.


Then I got a phone call that someone is coming to look at the house tomorrow.

So, instead, tonight I’m doing all the laundry, getting it put away, having Real Man and the monkeys help clean up the entire house, vacuuming, etc.

Tomorrow is flu shots and Monkey in the Middle’s football game, and saying things like “Hey, don’t touch that…someone is coming to look at the house.”

Add to that Oprah’s current complete reversal in her support of teachers, and I feel like I’ve been through the wringer this week.

It takes a village, but if something isn’t working, it must be the teachers?

Is that it, Oprah?


So, I’m just feeling beat up, exhausted, and grumpy tonight, and while I had hoped to come here and write something witty to take me out of the funk, it’s just not happening.

So, forgive me, but Mama said there’d be days like this, and we all have them.

I’ll be back with the wit tomorrow, I think.

For tonight, I think I’ll just wallow.

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