My Real Life

August 29, 2015

Top Post and Continuing Quest

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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Every day, I always look at my WordPress stats to see what search terms brought people to the blog.

Sometimes, it’s empty, because I forget to put tags in my posts, so I’m not as searchable as I could be.

But, most days, it’s the same words, over and over.

“wrong turn movie real story”

People seem to be fascinated by the real story behind the movie “Wrong Turn.”

The blog post that they are taken to is here, and I’d love for you to click on it and read it, if you haven’t been following me since 2009.

Which is probably most of the people reading this post.

That post, was actually a follow-up post to the original post which was about my constant quest for the scariest movie imaginable, which is here.

I’d love you to go back and read that one, too, so I don’t have to rewrite it all, but I can say that I can add one movie to the list of movies that has scared the bejesus out of me since 2009.

The Conjuring.

So freaking scary.

However, I’ll be honest…I haven’t had the opportunity to see a lot of movies that aren’t animated over the past few years, and so I may have missed some good ones.

So, I’d love some audience participation and please let me know if there are any scary movies that I need to see.

Because I’m ready to be terrified.

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