My Real Life

March 2, 2010

Woke Up This Morning

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 7:49 am
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As I woke up this morning and made my way to the kitchen, in the quiet house, I was struck by the sun coming through my living room window.

I don’t claim to be a photographer, and I don’t have a fancy camera with a lens to make this shot all smoky and warm, but I still had to capture the photo, as this particular scene just really put me in the right frame of mind to face the day.

To me, it signified the simplicity of the day, the beginning of something new, and seemed to perfectly capture my home.

I don’t usually get philosphical around here, but it touched me a bit, so I wanted to share.

I’ll be back to my normal goofball self later, I’m sure.

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