My friend, Stacey, who writes the amazing blog, From Grind to Whine, recently posted this article on Facebook.
You’ll remember that I posted a link to an article about why French children are so much more patient than American children, and while this one draws many of the same conclusions, it offers some other insights for us.
As the mother of a 6 and an 8 year old who cannot tie their own shoes, (we buy velcro), I found the article compelling, and I was interested to reflect on my own parenting behavior.
I definitely don’t engage in many of the behaviors that they mention and Real Man and I are nothing if not consistent with the “no’s.” However, none of our kids would have been cutting through the bush with a machete at age 3. That, I can guarantee.
So, as always, it’s good to read and reflect and make some changes to help empower the kids. I hope you read, enjoy and reflect!