Someday, I will not be covered in spit up when I go out in public.
Someday, I will eat a hot meal.
Someday, I will own a sedan.
Someday, there will be no fruit snacks in my house.
Someday, my tv won’t turn on to the Disney Channel, nor my radio to Radio Disney.
Someday, it won’t be routine to wipe someone’s bottom during my day.
Someday, Real Man and I will be able to have an entire conversation, uninterrupted.
Someday, I will not know the name of every SuperHero and their villainous counterpart.
Someday, I will walk through my house carefree, unconcerned about stepping on an unseen toy.
Someday, I won’t be too tired to stay up and watch late-night tv.
Someday, I’ll sleep in past 5:30.
Someday, there will be no messy little faces to clean up.
Someday, there will be no little hands to hold.
Someday, there will be no little sweaty heads to kiss.
Someday, there will be no little bodies to snuggle.
Someday, there will be no sweet little voices saying “I love you.”
Someday, Real Man’s lives and I will be our own.
Someday, I’m going to miss those babies so much, my heart will break.