Oh yeah, I’m nesting.
Nesting like Big Bird.
Nesting like a pterodactyl.
With the whole possibility of a January baby looming, Real Man spent the weekend moving around the furniture in the bedrooms.
Used to be that everyone had their own room.
A luxury we no longer have space for.
So, Monkey Girl had the biggest room. We took both boys and moved them into her room.
Then, we moved Monkey Girl into Monkey in the Middle’s room (which was her old room before Baby Monkey came along, and we never got around to changing the wall color from lavender, so she’s back in the girl colored room…not that I hold to boy/girl colors, but you know what I mean).
Peanut’s room, (which used to be Baby Monkey’s room) is now empty, until we get the crib back from my parents basement and until Real Man brings up the changing table.
Today, my Mom came over and switched around all the clothes in the closets and helped me organize the toys.
She was a lifesaver.
We ended up with 5 grocery bags full of trash and broken toys and two bedrooms in perfect order and another bedroom completely empty, ready to be filled with baby goodness.
Not to worry…I supervised everything from random beds. My bed, Monkey in the Middle’s bed, Baby Monkey’s bed, Monkey Girl’s bed. I took the whole “bedrest” to heart. After all, they didn’t say I had to stay in MY bed. Just A bed.
Feeling so much better about things now.
Like, now I can have the baby and not worry about anything.