Last night, my parents decided to treat us to a dinner out.
We ate at a local Italian restaurant, here at the shore, and it was delicious.
So, I am not complaining about the meal.
At all.
#1 If you are going to own a place of business with bathrooms for public use, just call them “Men” and “Women.”
I’d even be down with the more cutesy “Boys” and “Girls” or the refined “Gents” and “Ladies.”
However, when I gotta go, I gotta go, and I don’t need to be standing in front of two doors, one marked “Cappuccino” and the other “Espresso” and wondering which one is for me.
#2 Look, I get it. Waiters and waitresses are busy waiting tables. However, I do enough of this at home, and I don’t need to be the person who changes the toilet paper roll in your restaurant, too.
If it had just been once, I might be able to forgive, but we ate here last week, too, and guess who had to change the roll? And, honestly, it happens to me everywhere I go…work, restaurants, friends houses, doctors offices…
And before you start in on my frequent trips to the bathroom and start imagining me as one of those pipe people from the commercials, keep in mind I have 4 kids who never have to “go” before we leave the house, but always need to “go” as soon as we get there.
So, the moral is…assign someone to paper duty, cuz I’m not your maid, too.