And now for Part II!
Ten Lasts
- Last Phone call you made -To my parents, yesterday to tell them they didn’t have to come over to take the kids to school.
- Last person you hung out with -Other than my family here at home –My in-laws at the dinner for my father-in-law’s birthday
- Last person you tackled -Well, I think it’s more like my son tackles me 😉
- Last person you IM’d –I don’t actually IM, so I guess it would be Real Man…I think I may have e-mailed him while he was in the other room, just to see if I could
- Last person (s) you went to the movies with –Real Man
- Last thing you missed – My family while I’m at work, every day. I love my job, but I sure miss Real Man and the monkeys all day long.
- Last thing you ate – Cheerios
Would You Rather
- Pierce your nose or tongue? My nose. I can’t have anything interfere with my eating of food.
- Be serious or funny? I think most people who know me would assume I’d say serious, but those who know me the best know that the answer is DEFINITELY funny!
- Drink whole or skim milk -1%. Skim has more carbs than 1%, which is killer for diabetics.
- Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents
- Are You Simple or Complicated? Simple. It really doesn’t take much to make me happy.
Do you Prefer
- Sun or Moon? Sun
- Left or Right? Left
- Sun or Rain? Warm rain.
- Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream? Chocolate
- Vodka or Jack Daniels? Neither
- Nervous Habits? Biting the inside of my mouth
- Are you double jointed? Yes
- Can you twist your tongue around/ roll it? Yep to both.
- Can you raise one eyebrow? Yep
- Can you cross your eyes? Yep
- Do you make your bed daily? Yep
- Which shoe goes on 1st? These days…whichever foot I can raise the furthest up
- Ever thrown something at someone? Yes
- On average how much money do you carry with you? Loose change. I rarely have money on me.
- What jewelry do you wear? My engagement and wedding ring, and the diamond earrings Real Man gave me as a wedding present.
- Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl it. My husband is ½ Italian…what kind of wife would I be?
- Have you ever eaten Spam? No.
- Favorite Ice Cream? Peanut Butter Chocolate
- How many kinds of cereal are in your kitchen? Usually about 2 sometimes 3
- What’s your favorite beverage? Cherry Coke. However, I shouldn’t drink it, so I’ll say milk.
- Do you cook? Yes, but I don’t enjoy it.
- Last alcoholic drink –I have absolutely no idea.
- Last Car ride – Driving to the ultrasound yesterday.
- Last Movie watched -In the theater –The Dilemma ; At home- A Walk to Remember