My Real Life

August 26, 2015

Progressive Dreaming

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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Over the course of the past few months, I’ve had the same dream again and again.

It’s not the same exact dream, every time, however.

Details, here and there, regarding the main storyline change, with each dreaming.

I have had many recurring dreams, over the course of my life.

For example, when I was a child, for a period of years, I had a sort of “pre-dream” every night, before I’d move into my actual dream for the night.

I dreamed that Dracula, Frankenstein, and some other monster, who I cannot seem to remember, would stand around my bed while I slept, push a panel in the wall, and have my bed descend into a chamber beneath my bedroom, where I would be protected from nightmares.

And, amazingly, when I had that dream first, the dreams that followed were never frightening.

However, that dream was the same…every night.

This dream changes, and so I did some research, and it’s called a progressive dream.

Recurs, but different, each time.


The main part of the dream is a house.

A mansion.

I believe it is round, although I’ve never seen the outside.

I’ve also never seen the first floor.

The second floor is full of bedrooms, and they flow into each other. There are walls and doors, but you get a sense of flow.

I’m trying to get my kids to choose a room, but they won’t decide on which one they want.

There are large bedrooms and small ones.

Rooms filled with beds, rooms with a ton of space and a very small bed.

Opulent rooms, sparse rooms.

However, all of them are bedrooms.

The third floor is also circular, but it has more living space and, what I guess I’d call “specialty rooms.”

It also has an open flow to it, but in the upstairs, the walls are more imagined than real, if that makes any sense at all.

The kitchen is massive, with stainless steel appliances, and one of those refrigerators with the glass doors.

Glass cabinets and a massive island.

The kitchen opens into a family area with many couches and several large televisions that hang on the wall.

This area gives way into a library, with floor to ceiling bookshelves, which gives way to a piano room with several grand pianos, some uprights, and a few decrepit, old pianos.

In all of the dreams, I want to play the grand pianos, but keep being drawn to the old ones that won’t work as well and try to plunk out some tunes.

There is also a circular staircase to a bell tower, and every time I start to ascend the staircase, I look back over my shoulder, and the house has turned into an ancient cathedral, and I know I am there to solve some ancient mystery.

And then I wake.

Those are the pieces of the dream that never change.

The pieces that change are the circumstances that bring me to that house.

Sometimes I own the home.

Sometimes I am visiting.

A few nights ago, in my dream, Real Man and I inherited 2 billion (yes, billion) dollars, and we were considering purchasing the house.


I have no idea what it means.

What my subconscious is trying to tell me, beyond my latest desire to win the lottery.

I just know that whenever I dream it, I consciously, within the dream, try to stay in the dream, because there is a strong desire to figure it out.

And, maybe, sometimes a dream is just that…a dream.

Fascinating stuff, dreams and the subconscious mind.

I’d love to hear if any of you have any recurring or progressive dreams.

Even if just to know I’m not all alone in this!


October 16, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:31 am

Bear with me for another non-family related post today.

I am always so completely blown away by the subconscious mind.

I absolutely loved my psychology classes in college.

Probably should have taken more of them, but I think I might have been scared to really know what goes on in this head of mine.

My Dad was a psychotherapist, as well as being a minister, so I am well-versed in what many call “psycho-babble” and can analyze people with the best of them.

But, the subconscious mind?

Seriously fascinating.

What started this little post this morning is the fact that I think it is so cool that your dreams wind up incorporating things into them that you don’t even realize are wandering around in your head.

Or, that, without you actively asking it to, your brain can protect you while you sleep.

I woke up a few hours ago from a dream.

In the dream, I was sleeping over at a friends house and I couldn’t breathe.

I was searching all over the room for something, but I couldn’t find it.

I found my friend’s inhaler (my friend doesn’t have asthma, in real life) but it was different than mine.

So, in my dream, my friend said to me, “I don’t want you to leave yet, but you better wake up and get your inhaler.”

I said, “Yeah, you are probably right,” and then next second, I’m up, I’m awake, I’m sitting in my bed in the midst of an asthma attack.

No problem.

I reached over, got the inahler out of my nightstand, took two hits and I was fine.

It’s awesome.

There are other ways that dreams are cool with what they weave in.

I could probably just have an entire blog based on my dreams.

They are usually pretty intense.

Growing up, I used to actually roll credits at the end of my dreams.

I haven’t done that in awhile, but very often still wake up and say “What the heck was THAT about?”

Ah, the subconscious mind.

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