On Friday, Monkey Girl participated in her class’s Reader Theater presentation.
The class was divided into three groups and each group performed a short play.
Monkey Girl’s play was It Happened At Hull House which was about Jane Addams and, obviously, Hull House. It talked about providing a safe haven for immigrants, way back in the day, and was just a really nice little play. All three plays spoke to the theme of good character and being a responsible citizen. Good stuff.
They’ve been practicing for awhile, but Monkey Girl never brought home her script, so I didn’t really know what to expect.
Real Man and I had taken personal days on Friday, so we were both able to go.

Her group went first.
She was the narrator, and then also was filling in for a classmate who was absent, so she was also playing the role of “Maria.”
She was awesome.
She rocked the house.
She had it all memorized, even a lot of Maria’s lines, even though she didn’t know she’d be filling in until she got to school Monday morning.
She read with flair, she read with drama (no surprise, since she is Ms. Drama), and she just did great.

So proud of her.