My Real Life

April 19, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:05 pm

I’ve been pretty sad the past few days, as I received an e-mail from the current owner of our old dog, Bennie.

I think I’ve mentioned Bennie before.

He was something else.

We had Ben from 1998-2004, and since then, Ben has been living with a couple named Gail and Scott, first in Delaware, now in Virginia.

We were so happy to have Bennie go to a home where he had acres on which to run, and people who loved him for the difficult, goofy dog he was.

Awhile back, I received an e-mail from Gail that Ben had cancer.  He had fast growing tumors and they were battling the best they could.

(Gail has been wonderful about keeping us informed about Bennie over the years.)

For some time now, Bennie has been fighting the good fight.

Then, on Saturday, I received this e-mail:

Hi Amy,

I just wanted to let you know that Bennie is deteriorating. The cancer has really taken hold and his entire neck is wrapped in tumors that are almost doubling in size daily. They had been growing but Ben was taking it in stride and adapting. He was still taking his daily walks in the woods but seemed to shorten them a little each day. He was going out every morning and evening for feeding time of the farm animals and would find a place to lay where he could keep an eye on us.

He had been getting a bit wobbly on his back legs a week ago, but still got around OK. We did block off the stairs so he couldn’t go up because we didn’t want to chance him falling. His appetite has been good though, but he eats mashed or pureed canned dog food now. I have a bucket in the kitchen for his water to bring it up to a height he can manage to drink from.

Today was the first day he didn’t want to go for a walk and we didn’t get any tail wags from him. The neck tumors broke through the skin a couple of days ago and I’ve been changing his bandages twice a day. His head has swelling that is increasing and the vet said that is from peripheral circulation going bad. I did talk to the vet today and I have pain medicine for him(an injection).  He had his first shot this evening and is resting comfortably. If he gets agitated or in increased pain, we will have our local vet come to the house to euthanize him.

I get tears in my eyes when I am in the kitchen and start to put something up out of Ben’s reach. There’s no need for that now and it breaks my heart. We have had seven wonderful years with Ben and though he had many quirks we had to work with, he is our Bennie and I can’t imagine not having him as part of our family.

He has a good life and lots of love, and that will continue until he can no longer be here with us. Thank you for letting us have Ben in our lives.

Gail & Scott     

So, I’m sad.

I find myself crying over little things that shouldn’t make me cry, and I just wish I could be there with him.

He was a crazy dog…no doubt about it…but he was a big, mushy love, and I loved him so very much.

If you have a pet, go give him or her a big hug.  Whisper in their ears that you love them, and give them extra kisses.

As for me, I just need a little time, and I’ll be back to my old self.

November 12, 2009

Real Pressure

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 7:30 am
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So, as I said, we stayed with Real Man’s aunt and uncle in Maryland on our DC trip.

The kids love Beth and Warren.  I’ve already explained how Monkey Girl talked Beth’s ear off at the museum, and Monkey in the Middle keeps asking “When can we see Aunt Beth and Uncle Warren again?”

We’ve decided to call Warren “The Toddler Whisperer” due to the effect he had on Baby Monkey. 

Baby Monkey was just worn out by the end of each day, and that’s about the time that he got to be with Warren.  Poor Warren must have thought that he was the whiniest kid around.  However, Warren worked his magic and got Baby Monkey to do things that we just couldn’t.

Baby Monkey didn’t want to eat his dinner.  Warren somehow convinced him to eat his dinner.

Baby Monkey wanted to leave the table when he was done.  Warren convinced him to stay until everyone was done.

Baby Monkey was terrified of the dog and would let out these loud screams every time the dog (friendliest dog in the world) would come near, but Warren not only got him to come close to the dog but to not make a sound as the dog went past him.

Now, let me give you a visual.  Warren is easily 6’5”.  Baby Monkey is maybe 2’6”to 3’ tall.  It was hysterical to watch Baby Monkey traipsing after Warren through the house.  If Warren wasn’t in the room, the question was “Where’s Uncle Warren?”

The real star of our visit, however, was Gunnar.

DC 037DC 039

The sweetest dog in the world.  Seriously. 

Monkey Girl was smitten.  Monkey in the Middle was fascinated.  Baby Monkey was terrified, but intrigued.

So, now the pressure is on.  Monkey in the Middle told Real Man that he is asking Santa for a puppy for Christmas.  Monkey Girl has been coming up with possible dog names. 

Baby Monkey doesn’t want a dog. 

Unless it’s little.

Unless it comes with Uncle Warren.

So, we’re doing our best to talk about the responsibilities attached to owning a dog, and how much work they are, etc, etc, etc. 

However, my talk is halfhearted.  I want a dog, too.

So, we’ll see how that all play out.

Oh, there was one more star of the visit.

DC 038

The sombrero.

Aye-yay-yay.  El es un muchacho hermoso.  Amo a ese bebe mas que el sabra nunca.

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