I’m the only child of two only children. So, family reunions were breakfast every morning.
However, although I was technically alone, I believe I’ve already made clear the relationship I had with my sisters-not-by-blood, Kim, Erin and Michaela.
Yet, I’ve neglected, thus far, to mention my brother-not-by-blood, Mark.
Mark and I were Frick and Frack. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum. Salt and Pepper. Peas and Carrots. We were kinda like Jenny and Forrest, however, I’d like to think we were both more Jenny than Forrest.
Here’s Mark on the bus in eighth grade.

Look at those teeth. I’ve always been jealous of those perfect teeth.
That pose is inherently Mark. He’s the most full of life person that I know. His enthusiasm for life is contagious and being around Mark always makes me happy.
Mark and I went to the eighth grade dance together.

Weren’t my friend, Sari, and I lucky to go with the Miami Vice guys?
However, we went to high school and Mark moved to Texas and left me. It was a very sad time for me.
Until, that is, I realized that now I had an excuse to fly to Texas every Spring Break!
And so I did.
The first year, Michaela and I went. The second year, Erin, Michaela and I went. The third year, Kim and I went.
I don’t have a lot of photos of these trips, but what I do have are videos. Michaela is working on transferring them to dvd as we speak, and when she does, you can be sure I’ll try to figure out a way to get it on the blog. Oh, and trust me, these tapes are more embarrassing to me than they are to anyone else on them.
During our high school years, recording studios were also the new, big thing. So, we have many, many songs that we all recorded together. I’m not so sure I’ll be sharing those, although Michaela has already transferred those to CD for us.
Anyway, remember how I said Mark’s enthusiasm for life was contagious?
Let me share a little bit of my wedding reception with you. Disclaimer beforehand…lest you think that this was the result of drinking at the wedding, it wasn’t. This is what happens to us when we are with Mark. It happened when we were eight and if we could ever all get together again, it would happen again now that we are in our late 30’s…um, I mean late 20’s.
Here are Michaela and Kim with Mark.

Here is just Kim and Mark, trying to get every last bit of fun out of those bouquets.

As always, Mark rubbed off and Michaela got in on the action. Princess Leia, eat your heart out!

Finally, she almost crossed the line that would have resulted in my mother kicking her butt all over that reception hall.

Mark…get your butt up here to NJ!