My Real Life

May 11, 2011

Book Recommendation

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:22 am

I read a book yesterday that I think is a must read for any parent.

No, it wasn’t a parenting book, nor was it a self-help or non-fiction.

It was Big Girl by Danielle Steel.

Now, before the Danielle Steel-bashing begins, let me say that although I am not a regular reader of hers since high school, who am I to criticize a woman who has written and published more books than a lot of people have even read in their lifetime, while my own novel sits, unpublished, somewhere on my flash drive?

Enough said.

It’s an easy read…I finished it in a day.

However, it’s a powerful book.

About a girl whose parents unconsciously sent her messages that she was not quite good enough in many small ways, and how those messages formed her entire self-image and shaped her life.

I think, as parents, we can forget that our off-hand comments, remarks tossed in the heat of the moment, and “helpful advice” can really hurt a child, and although the words may come out of our mouths and immediately be forgotten, they stay with our children for life.

So, if you are looking for a book for the pool or your vacation this summer, I’d like to recommend Big Girl by Danielle Steel.

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