So, I figure, every now and then, I should give you a baby update, even though nothing is really happening, except for the baby cooking away in there.
This is what I look like today:
I almost didn’t post this, because as I downloaded it to the computer, I noticed that my butt looks almost as big as my belly.
I immediately hopped up to check it out.
Nothing to fear.
Baggy jeans…that’s all.
Because, let me tell you, I don’t need to be expanding anywhere else. So far, I seem to be all baby, and I mean ALL baby. I’m huge. 24 weeks and 25 pounds up from where I was back in June. Heck, 25 pounds up from where I was in August. So, I’ll keep the expanding to the belly if I can.
Anyway, vanity aside, things are going well.
Apparently I’m carrying low, as this is what every person who crosses my path tells me.
Apparently, this means I’m having a boy, and apparently, it is not up for discussion.
I had forgotten how quickly the experts come out of the woodwork when you are pregnant. They know what you are having and when you are having it and you can’t tell them any differently.
So, I just smile and nod and say “Oh, well, we’ll see!”
They are watching me for placenta previa, so I’m being careful. I’ll find out in late December how things are going there. I’m not thinking about it until then. Wait to worry is my motto.
Baby is measuring large, but is looking fantastic and healthy and strong.
Just heard the heartbeat again yesterday and loving that little PacMan “wokka, wokka, wokka, wokka” sounding heartbeat.
So, basically, the baby update is that things are good.