My Real Life

February 16, 2012

10 Things I Love Thursday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

I’m feeling tired and worn out and was toying with the idea of a post, today, that involved a pity party for myself.

A girl can indulge in a little self-pity every once in awhile, right?

However, I didn’t think it would be in my best mental health interests to let myself wallow, so I decided to channel my energies into finding ten things that I am just loving the heck out of today.

So, here we go…

1.  These staircases.

They are redonkulously awesome and if we ever win the lottery, they are the very first things I am installing in this house.

2.  The unabashed way that babies poop.

First, there is the poop face.

Then, the grunts and groans.

Then, the big, huge smile.

I love it.

3.  My iPad.

I love my apps, I love my games, I love my books, and I love that they are all in one place.

It rests so nicely on the treadmill so I can read or play Words With Friends or watch the Gossip Girl episode that I couldn’t record because my DVR is too busy on a Monday night and distract myself from watching the time.

It gives me nice surprises when I turn it on and see that there are 267 new pictures that have been taken and they are all Baby Monkey using the distortion function in iPhoto and the pictures range from creepy to adorable.

It’s just a fun toy to have.

4.  The movie The Vow.

Mind you, I haven’t actually seen it, but I’m dying to.

I love Rachel McAdam.

And Channing Tatum?

Well, come on.  Seriously.

My friend, Shane, wrote a blog post about it on his blog and gave it his own brand of a thumbs up.

So, the commercials snagged me, the review snagged me, the stars snagged me.

I think I love this movie.

5.  The idea of myself as a serious dancer.

Don’t worry.

I have no illusions that I am any sort of dancer, whatsoever.

However, we’re in the midst of the spring musical, and I’m spending a lot of time choreographing dances with my fellow director.

I’m choreographing in the shower, while I cook, in my sleep.

And, while I choreograph in my head, I look a lot like this:

Don’t burst my bubble.

6.  The fact that my kids get whatever they want for their birthday dinner and Monkey in the Middle chose meatloaf.


7.  My friend, Tara.

Yeah, I’m callin’ you out, Tara.

Tara teaches in the room next to me and is the director of the spring musical.

My co-choreographer, if you will.

Like I said, I’m tired and worn out right now.

February is a marathon.

Yet, I can guarantee that I will laugh…really laugh…at least 5 times throughout the course of the day with Tara.

She’s good people.

8.  Following George Takei on Facebook.

‘Cuz he’s funny.

Or, maybe he’s not funny, but he finds funny stuff and posts it on Facebook.

And that makes me happy.

9.  Real Man.

I just do.

10.  All of you.

I can’t tell you how much appreciate the fact that so many of you come back here day after day to see what I’ve written.

Thank you.

A lot.

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