My Real Life

July 7, 2012

My Town – Part II

Filed under: Adventuring — Amy @ 6:00 am

I grew up, right up the street from this park.

When I was a kid, you would look out and all you would see was two ponds, side by side.

One, used for skating in the winter, feeding the ducks in the summer, and strolling around all year long…the other, used for fishing and for being mysterious.

Since I was a child, however, nature has grown up around the ponds, and while the man-made stone walls allow you a vision of pond #1, pond #2 is all but obscured by the brush.

While I miss the old view, the new is pretty darn beautiful, as well.

My summers were spent going to the pool, then across the street to the baseball fields to catch a Little League game, then to the park, which backed up to the fields.

Pond #2 had a little sandy peninsula that you had to crawl through the brush to access, and Gail and I spent hours and hours there, imagining, pretending, playing.

Tiny and Monkey Girl were loving the view, as it is today.


In the park stands a statue of Thomas Paine.

If you don’t know who Thomas Paine is, and you are an American, shame on you.

(And, click his name, above, to get to the Wikipedia link)

In this park stands the largest statue of Thomas Paine, in the world.

It’s beautiful.


When we were kids, there was this rumor of a mysterious woman who would come and put a rose at the base of the statue.

We were always on the lookout for her, but as far as I know, none of us ever saw her.

We did, however, always find the rose on the statue.

Anyway, happy to have introduced Tiny to the park, we decided to go on our way and return another time, when the big boys could join us.


July 6, 2012

Shoe Problem

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

We have a problem in our home.

A big problem.

A problem of epic proportions.

It occurs in different rooms in the house, and it’s growing, now that summer is here.

The Living Room:

The Library:

The Kitchen:

During the school year, there’s a routine.

Kids get off the bus, come in the front door, shoes go directly in the closet.


Not so much.

They are in and out the front door, the door that leads to the garage, the two sliders to the deck.

Anywhere and everywhere, and the shoes and flip-flops just go a-flying.

Drives me insane.

So, while I declutter and purge this summer, I’ll also be creating summertime shoe rules.

Who knew we’d need them?

July 5, 2012

Why Are American Kids So Spoiled?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

My friend, Stacey, who writes the amazing blog, From Grind to Whine, recently posted this article on Facebook.

You’ll remember that I posted a link to an article about why French children are so much more patient than American children, and while this one draws many of the same conclusions, it offers some other insights for us.

As the mother of a 6 and an 8 year old who cannot tie their own shoes, (we buy velcro), I found the article compelling, and I was interested to reflect on my own parenting behavior.

I definitely don’t engage in many of the behaviors that they mention and Real Man and I are nothing if not consistent with the “no’s.”  However, none of our kids would have been cutting through the bush with a machete at age 3.  That, I can guarantee.

So, as always, it’s good to read and reflect and make some changes to help empower the kids.  I hope you read, enjoy and reflect!

July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July – A Video From Our House to Yours

Filed under: Posts with Video — Amy @ 6:00 am

July 3, 2012

My Town – Part I

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

We live in Morristown, New Jersey.

I don’t think I’m giving away any big secrets, with this one, as most readers of my blog know me, and those who don’t could easily find out this information.

Besides, it’s important information for today’s post.

We live in Morristown, New Jersey.

It’s the military capital of the American Revolution.

(See why it’s important…being almost July 4th and all?)

Monkey Girl and I have been taking our time in the morning, while the big boys are at rec, to explore our town.

I grew up here and have lived here all my life, with the exception of 4 years of college and 8 years in a neighboring town, and I find that I still love it so very much.

There is so much history here, in Morristown.

The other morning, we decided to walk around the Green.

So much history in that one little part of town.

Monkey Girl chatting it up with Washington, Hamilton, and LaFayette.

Not Revolutionary, but a beautiful monument, nonetheless. I particularly like the canons that are hidden in the flora.

My beautiful church.  Explanation above, photo below.

Beautiful park, with tables for playing checkers or chess, right in the midst of all the history.

All that history made us hungry, so we went for a bagel.

Not all of us were so impressed.

So, that’s just the center of town, and it’s easy to see why a history buff, like me, can get so excited about living in this place.

Summer has just begun, and Monkey Girl and I have a long list of places to explore in our town, so be on the lookout for My Town – Part II, III, IV.

You get the picture.

July 2, 2012

Monday Musings

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

-You may remember that all of the monkeys were born in February.  That is also when we had their birthday parties.  I just sent out their thank you’s last week.  Now working on the Thank-You’s from Monkey in the Middle’s First Communion in May.

-Tiny’s car seat is the gift that keeps on giving, as far as he’s concerned.  There are Cheerios stuck in every nook and cranny of that seat, and I actually use those Cheerios to bribe him to let me clip him in when we are leaving somewhere he doesn’t want to leave.  I say, “OOh!  Cheerios!” and he gets excited, and I extract one from a fold in the carseat.  He’s thrilled, I clip in fast, and we’re on our way.  I should actually clean it out, but…no.

-In the summer, if I wasn’t going anywhere that anyone would see me, I’d happily wear the same clothes every single day.  No laundry and I’m not really that sweaty, so eh.

-As I write this, Baby Monkey has had fruit for breakfast, lunch and snacks for the past 4 days.  He has whatever I make for dinner, but the rest of the day, and for dessert, he chooses fruit.  I realize, as far as things a 6 year old could be choosing to eat, fruit is a good thing, but there should probably be some variety in his day.  The way I figure, though, is that at least he won’t get scurvy.

-Real Man gets up, every morning, weekday or weekend, around 5:30 and goes for a long walk through the neighborhood or on the nearby path system.  I miss him when he goes (I’d love to go too, but you know…4 little monkeys in the house and all) but his spot is never empty for long.  Monkey in the Middle usually hears him leave and comes right in to snuggle.  It is really, really nice time spent with a little guy who is never still during waking hours.  We whisper and talk about what we’ll be doing that day, and just spend some nice Mommy/Monkey time together.  One of my favorite parts of the day.

-There’s an ecard for everything, it seems, and sometimes, it can get to be too much.  But, sometimes, I can’t help myself and they make me laugh and laugh and laugh.  I thought I’d share a few I stumbled across the other day:

July 1, 2012

Article on Clutter

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

As I’ve mentioned, I’m spending a good portion of my summer days decluttering and purging.

My house looks better, but most importantly, I feel better.

In fact, I think we all feel better.

I found this article on clutter and the psychology behind it, and I’d definitely encourage you all to read it.

Makes a good case for getting the lead out and getting rid of what is weighing you down.

Open space can only be a good thing.

It’s funny, when I read the article, I thought about Real Man.

He had his tonsils and his uvula taken out about a month ago, and since then, he has so much more energy, sleeps beautifully (they were taken out due to apnea) and just seems happier.

So, there is certainly body clutter, as well, and the psychology of decluttering can apply to weight loss and, apparently, tonsillectomies. 🙂

(Okay, that’s a stretch, but you see what I’m saying.)

Anything extra we hold on to, holds us back, weighs us down, stops us from achieving.

So, read the article, and see what ways you can get rid of what is weighing you down, and commit to change.



June 30, 2012

Nora Ephron

Filed under: Uncategorized,Writing — Amy @ 6:00 am

Nora Ephron passed away this week.

I am so saddened to hear of this passing, as she offered so much to the world with her wit, her wisdom, and her incredible talent.

Today, I’m asking you to visit my author blog, Bozza Writes, where I’ve posted a very, very short parody that Ephron wrote, poking fun at The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo books.

If you’ve read them, hysterical.

If you haven’t read them, I truly believe you can still appreciate the humor.


June 29, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. What’s your favorite childhood snack that you still eat as an adult?

I’m going to go with Double-Stuf Oreo’s.

And can I tell you that I hate that “Stuf” is spelled like “Stuf?”

I don’t like the chocolate part of an Oreo, unless it is completely saturated with milk.

I LOVE the cream, though, and so Double Stuf is the cookie for me.

I would go with Archway’s Iced Spice cookies, but they don’t make those suckers anymore.

They make Iced Oatmeal, in a terrible imitation, but no more Iced Spice.

2. What food will you not eat the low fat version of?

Um, anything?

I kid, I kid.

I don’t know…The low-fat version of a lot of foods is dry and cardboard-y, but I’ll give it a try.

Ooh, I just asked Real Man and he reminded me that I won’t eat Low-Fat Triscuits.

I love the greasy, saltiness of real Triscuits, and I don’t want the low-fat or sour cream and chive or any other version of Triscuits than the original.

So, leave the Triscuit alone!

3. What’s your favorite way to cool off during the summer?

1.  Swimming in the ocean.

2.  Going to the pool.

3. Drinking an ice cold glass of water.

4.  Air-conditioning.

4. What’s your favorite summer read?

I like reading summer romance novels.

Nora Roberts and her friends.

Nothing too racy, stuff set at the beach.

Just easy reads that don’t require much thinking and whisk me away to more vacation in my head.

5. What are you doing to stay cool in this awful heat?

It’s not really too bad where I am.

We’ve been trying to stay outside as much as possible.

We can take the heat, and when it gets too much, we head to the pool or turn on the sprinkler.

June 28, 2012

Right Now

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

SouleMama, a blog I read religiously, every day, posts a “Right Now” post every now and again.  I love them and thought I’d give it a try, today.

Right now, I am…

listening to Monkey Girl play the piano and loving how much time she spends, sitting on that bench, playing, completely unprompted by anyone

wondering if Monkey in the Middle and Baby Monkey are having a good time at the summer rec playground program

listing all of the things we need to pack for our trip to the beach

hoping the weather report is wrong and that it won’t rain the entire week we are there

yearning for Tiny to wake up from his nap, because it’s been too long since I’ve been able to hold his cool little hand in mine as he leads me all over the Earth

anticipating starting a new book, as I’m in the midst of Game of Thrones right now, and feel like I need to be reading something a little lighter, in conjunction

basking in the warmth and words of a beautiful thank you we received from my friend, Amanda

thinking about making homemade pizza for dinner tonight; we’ve been eating so healthy, but I’m feeling like comfort food today

enjoying the peace that is in my home, at the moment

considering what to purchase with my $25 iTunes gift card that I still have leftover from my birthday; feel like it’s time for some fun new apps, but not sure what to get…or if I should run another contest on the blog and use the gift card as the prize

waiting for the raspberry bushes in the backyard, along the fence, to bloom…eager little children live in this house and the waiting is nearly killing them

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