My Real Life

July 26, 2012


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

We bought these sneakers at the end of June to “get us through the summer.”

We bought them at Walmart, because we knew they were just supposed to last two months, through summer recreation.

Then, in the fall, we’d buy good, solid, sturdy sneakers.

Unfortunately, we still have about a month and a half to go and this is what they look like.

True, they aren’t great quality shoes, but seriously?

Monkey in the Middle grows fast, he plays hard.

There will never be hand-me-down shoes for his brothers.

Here’s our comparison, and I’m between and 8 and an 8.5 in women’s.

No petite feet for me, either.

But, my 8 year old?


July 25, 2012

Challenge Accepted

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:22 pm

I was recently challenged, on Facebook, to do 5 crunches while Tiny sat on my chest.

Not one to back down from a challenge, I did it.

And had Monkey Girl record it.

I didn’t do it well.

But, I did it.

So, here it is.

Don’t judge.

Wordless Wednesday

Filed under: Wordless Wednesday — Amy @ 6:00 am

We are still accepting questions for the monkeys for this week’s “Five Question Friday!”  Please leave your questions in the comments below!

July 24, 2012

A Twist

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

So, I was thinking…

Wouldn’t it be fun if for this week’s Five Question Friday, the monkeys got to answer some questions?

It would definitely be a change, and even I’m curious what their responses to different questions might be.

So, what I’d love to have happen is for you, my loyal readers, to leave a question or two in the comments below, that you’d like one or all of the monkeys to answer.  If the question is for a specific monkey, just write “This question is for Monkey Girl: (or Monkey in the Middle, or Baby Monkey…you can ask Tiny, but I don’t think he’s gonna answer)

Depending on how many questions we get, the monkeys will answer your questions, this Friday, in lieu of our regular Five Question Friday post.

I hope you participate, because I think it will be a lot of fun!

July 23, 2012

The Land of Make-Believe

Filed under: Adventuring — Amy @ 6:00 am

We took another day trip on Saturday.

This time, to the Land of Make Believe, in Hope, New Jersey.

It was such a great day.

We headed in right at opening, and were surprised to see a huge sign saying that they only accepted cash or the Discover card, due to the fraudulent charges policies of Amex, Visa, and Master Card.

And, then they had a huge ATM.


Wasn’t an issue for us, as I had been saving some cash, from piano lessons, for such an event, so we were set.

In we went.

I went to the Land of Make-Believe when I was a kid and it was nothing.

I mean nothing.

Since then, it’s quite a bit different.

There are two parts to the park…a water park and an amusement park.

We told the monkeys, before we even left the house, that we wouldn’t be doing the water park today.  Just the rides.

They were fine with it.

So, here’s our adventure, in pictures (except where words are needed):

(Monkey Girl and I playing Miss Mary Mack)

(Lovely turkeys in Old MacDonald’s Barn)

(This was on the bridge on the path to the rock where Jenny Jump fell to her death, trying to escape the Native Americans)

We finished up with ice cream and a nap.

On the way home, we decided to pull into a scenic overlook to remind the monkeys just how beautiful New Jersey is.

Living in the burbs, you sometimes forget about the sheer beauty that is the Garden State.

The End.

July 22, 2012

Grandma’s House

Filed under: Posts with Video — Amy @ 6:00 am

Grandma’s House has toys…


…and plain, old family time.

Unless you are 11, that is.

And completely oblivious to what is going on around you.

July 21, 2012

Things I Miss

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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When I went to college, I had a Macintosh Color Classic computer.

I loved that thing.

Anyway, it was basically a word processor, but over time, I was able to get games for it.

One of my favorites was “Scarab of Ra.”

I loved that game.

It wasn’t particularly taxing, but it was a great game when I just wanted to relax and not really think too hard.

I’ve tried to find it, in the years since, but can’t seem to find a version to download.

I found one, and it told me I had to also get this other program to open it, but neither worked, so I deleted both.  Quickly.

I miss Scarab of Ra.


When I was a little, little kid, I had a Halloween album.

I loved this album.

Erin knows.  She listened to it with me.

I listened to this album, even when I wasn’t a little kid anymore.

I listened to this album, when I was a teenager, sometimes.

Reminded me of childhood.

My parents moved when I was in college, and when they did, the movers stole some of our things, including albums, and they also left our belongings in a leaky moving truck, overnight, outside, in a rainstorm.

Many, many things were completely ruined.

I don’t remember if this album was stolen or ruined, as I was in college, but the end result was that it was gone when I came home for Christmas that year.


Almost as devastating as the fact that my Shaun Cassidy album was also gone.

But, that’s another story.

So, I have been looking for a copy of this album ever since.

No luck.

I’d even be happy with getting the songs online, but the most I’ve found is four of the songs.


I miss my Halloween album.


My old roommate, Nita.

I’m not sure why, but I’ve been thinking a lot about her, recently, and I’m wondering how she’s doing.

When I graduated from college, I came home for awhile, and then decided I needed my own place.

I fell into a great deal…renting a house from the county with two roommates.

Large house, mature roommates, Nita and Mike, who both had jobs and responsibilities.

Mike lived downstairs and Nita and I had rooms upstairs.

We spent a lot of time just talking and laughing and just hanging.

I moved out when Real Man and I got married, a few years later, and Nita and Mike came to the wedding, but we lost touch over the years.

Now, I’m trying to find her, but haven’t met with any luck.

However, it appears as though I’ve found her in North Carolina.

Unfortunately, I found her mother’s obituary online, and in the obituary, found Nita and her 7 brothers and sisters listed, along with their cities.

Then, I went to and looked her up, and it appears as though she is living with her sister.

That’s it, though.  I have an address, but no other information.

Not on Facebook, not on Twitter, can’t find an email address online.

So, I’m going to have to reach out to her the old fashioned way.

Write her a letter.

And hope that it’s her.


When I moved home, after college, I brought my Macintosh Color Classic with me.

It was 1994 and it was the early, early stages of social networking.

When I went to college in 1990, there was barely email.  I certainly didn’t know anything about it.

By the last few months of my senior year, in 1994, Real Man and I were emailing each other…me from my dorm room, he from the computer lab at Rutgers.

I believe I had an AOL account, but I wanted something a little more.

So, I signed up for eWorld.

It was a Mac users online community and it was so cool.

It was like a smaller AOL, just for Mac users.

It was so cool.

Visually, it was colorful and pleasing to look at.

It wasn’t overstimulating, it was easy to use, and had everything.

Until it was cancelled in 1996.

And that stunk.


in 2001, there was a TV show called “Mystery in Small Town X.

It was part reality show, part drama, part mystery.

I really, really enjoyed it.

The premise was all a bit complicated, so please feel free to click the Wikipedia link above to read about it.

I think what I liked so much about it was that you could try to solve the mystery as you watched the show.

The sad part was that the winner of the show was a NYC firefighter who was killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks, about a week after the finale of the show aired.

Very, very sad.

Still, it was a great show and I wish they would do something similar again.



July 20, 2012

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 6:00 am
1. What’s your view on men wearing sandals (yay or nay)?
I’m fine with it.
Sandals with socks…that’s a different story, but sandals in general, no problem.
Men deserve to have cool feet in the summer just as much as women do.

2. What song do you love but are embarrassed to admit?
I’m not embarrassed to admit anything about myself.
Clearly, I write a blog.
So, I can’t really answer this one.
I’ll be-bop with the tweens, waltz with the great-grandparents and do anything in between and hold my head high while doing it.

3. What summer camp should they make for moms? 
Hiking camp.
You bring the kids and they are cared for by competent professionals who will engage them in stimulating, creative and physical activities, and the Moms can hit the trail, sans kids.
Mom can hike at her own pace, without having to slow down, tie a shoe, having to answer “Are we there yet?” or stopping for 13 pees in the woods.
When she comes back, the kids are exhausted from their day, so when they all get home, Mom can get a nice shower and relax with a nice, hot cup of tea and a book, while the kids relax.
Yep…once a week, this would be a great summer camp!

4. What is the most romantic song? (Not necessarily your favorite or your wedding song…)
That’s a tough one, because I’m a sucker for a love song.
However, I’m a huge sucker for “Song for  Winter’s Night” by Sarah McLaughlin.
Beautifully sung, and a song about longing and love.

5. Do you have an embarrassing pregnancy story?
Not really.
At least, I can’t think of any.
I gained about 60 pounds with each pregnancy, so I waddled and looked horrific each time, but I wasn’t embarrassed.
I sneezed and peed a little in my pants when we were at the mall about a week before I was due with Tiny, but hey…it happens when you have an enormous baby playing tether ball with your bladder.
When I still had two months to go, people were asking if I was overdue, every single pregnancy.
I cried like a baby for my last 3 c-sections before they put the spinal in, because I was so terrified, and they all turned out just fine.
I think everything that happens, embarrassingly-wise, is par for the course with pregnancy.  It doesn’t pay to get worked up about it…it happens to everyone.
I’m awful, because I have little sympathy for first-time pregnant people who act like they are the only people who have ever been pregnant.  Take it in stride.  Quit complaining.  Enjoy it.  There are so many people in this world who would give anything, ANYTHING to be where you are right now, so buck up and smile.

July 19, 2012

Pictures You Haven’t Seen

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

The other night, I hooked my phone into my Mac and I was having trouble getting it to sync.

When it finally did, it was stuck on some older photos that I still have on my phone.

I scrolled through and became completely lost in memories.

I decided to share some of them with you.

Not because they are fantastic photos…just because I thought you’d enjoy them.

Not all are terribly old, either.

And, not all are terribly deep or meaningful.

But, they are us.

So, enjoy.


This first shot is from February 7, 2011.

13 days before Tiny was born, but over a month before he was due.

This photo is not for the faint of heart.

I tried to explain my stretch marks to Monkey in the Middle earlier today.

This photo was incredibly helpful.


I love this photo of Tiny and Baby Monkey.

Two peas in a pod, those two, despite the 5 years between them.

Hope that never changes.


This photo was taken in Newark Airport as Real Man and I waited for our flight to Ft. Lauderdale.

We both got blueberry muffins.

We talked as we ate, and all of the sudden we looked at our respective muffins and just started cracking up.

This is what we mean when we say we are very different people, but we complement each other beautifully.

After 5 minutes, this was my muffin:

After 5 minutes, this was his muffin:

It’s why we work so well.


This photo was taken at Mark’s wedding in Ft. Lauderdale.

It was windy.

It made me laugh.


Babies are great for finding all of the hidden dangers in a house.

And, all of the tight spaces.


This is the house in which I grew up.

We moved into this house when I was 8 and my parents moved across town when I was in college.

I loved this house.

I loved this house so much.

I even loved mowing the ridiculously slanted front lawn.

It was old, there were awesome hiding places, a huge basement for me to roller skate in, a garage that still had the iron rings in the wall from where the people used to tie up the horses, a chimney outside my bedroom window with bricks sticking out so you could climb up, and just general fabulousness.

I loved that house.

My parents moved when I was in college because they thought my grandfather was going to have to come live with us and there were only two bedrooms, and the architect said there was no structurally sound place to build a third bedroom.

I cried when they moved.

I still drive by, every now and then.


Babies are not thrilled by Harmon’s Beauty Supply.


Since I have a Nook, in order to control myself in Barnes and Noble, when I go there, I take photos of the books I want to read, and then put them on my list at home, and download them when I get a gift card for my birthday or Christmas.

Here are my latest desires: (if anyone has read any of these, please let me know if they are worth it!)

(looking at the John Sandford on the bottom shelf for this one)


A few weeks ago, we had pizza for dinner.

Baby Monkey burst out laughing after a few bites.

We asked what was so funny.

He said, “Look!  I ate my pizza so it looks like underwear!”

Oh, how I love my little boys.


On the left is me.

On the right is my 11 year old.

Lord, help me, she’s gonna be one tall drink of water.


He doesn’t sit in a high chair.

He eats with his own fork.

Might as well get his own place, because he clearly doesn’t need his Mama anymore.

July 18, 2012

Conversations From My House

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

Monkey in the Middle was really into a book he was reading the other day, and I wanted Real Man to know.

So, I texted him.

Here’s how it went:

Me:  “Mom, this book is so good, I can’t stop reading it!” – Monkey in the Middle

Real Man:  50 shades?


He doesn’t remember how it started, but Real Man relayed this conversation to me the other day.

Baby Monkey:  The only one who can kill dinosaurs with a sword is God.  Well, I guess we could use a knife.

Real Man:  Do you think dinosaurs are still alive?

Baby Monkey:  No.  They’re all dead.  And the dragons.  But the horses are still alive.

Real Man:  The horses?

Baby Monkey:  You know.  That the knights rode on?

Real Man:  Well, they’re not alive, but their kids, kids, kids, kids, kids are.

Baby Monkey:  Huh.  I never realized horses had kids.


Baby Monkey:  I don’t want to grow up and get a job.

Me:  Why is that?

Baby Monkey:  Because I’ll miss you so much when I’m at work.

Me:  Aw, I’ll miss you, too, Baby.  But, I can always come and visit you!

Baby Monkey:  No, mom.  You never see Mrs. The Builder at Bob’s job!


This one is not so much a conversation as an experience.

Baby Monkey and I were headed to the library.

I’m waiting at the garage door for him and I hear “squish, squish, squish, squish.”

I turn around and see him and say, “What’s that sound?”

Baby Monkey:  I don’t know.

Me:  Well, it has to be something.  Are you carrying water or something?

Baby Monkey:  No….but…

Me:  Yes?

Baby Monkey:  My sneakers were dirty from camp, so I washed them.

Me:  What?

Baby Monkey:  Yeah, I washed ’em in the sink and they’re real clean now!  See!

At which point I look down at his feet and see gleaming black sneakers, and many little footprint puddles behind him leading back, through the house, to the kitchen sink.


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