So, Halloween is being postponed again in NJ and we are pretty much just over it.
We explained to the kids that there are bigger things happening this year and that we weren’t going to do trick-or-treating whenever it was rescheduled. At this point, we’re into November and at some point, you just have to call it a day.
So, we said that today would be our Halloween.
The first thing we decided to do was carve our pumpkins.
We’ve never carved pumpkins with the monkeys.
Carving pumpkins has always sounded, to me, like one of those holiday activities that would be SO exciting for the monkeys.
Until the work began.
And then, I’d find myself elbow deep in pumpkin guts while everyone else was off playing somewhere that was not the kitchen.
This happens a lot.
Not the pumpkin guts, but you know what I mean.
Anyway, every year, I have deferred the pumpkin carving until, uh-oh…the pumpkin has rotted and is soft…guess we can’t carve it.
This year, though, I felt like there needed to be a little give-back if we were asking them to give up Halloween.
So, I spread the papers, pulled out the pumpkins, Sharpies and knives and we went to work.
In this first picture, you can see that even Monkey in the Middle shared the angst that came with putting a sharp knife in the hands of Monkey Girl.
Oh, how we love her, but she’s not known for her grace, delicacy, or precision.
However, she was diligent and careful, and soon, we were all feeling safe enough to come a little closer.
Finally, she relinquished the knife and gave Monkey in the Middle a turn.
Despite the fact it is Baby Monkey who has been relentless with the pumpkin carving questions, he was nowhere to be found after the first three minutes and Tiny…
…entertained himself rearranging the drawers.
I was, at one point, up to my elbows in pumpkin guts.
But I was never alone.
So, the jack-o-lanterns are carved, the pumpkin seeds have been separated, washed and are drying, waiting to be baked tomorrow.
Halloween books have been read, some candy has been eaten, and an amazingly well-timed Halloween gift bag delivery from our favorite neighbors was very much appreciated.
And, for our family, thus concludes Halloween 2012.
Daily Gratitude, Day 5
Today, I am grateful for the flexibility of my children. Again and again, when faced with situations that did not occur as planned, they have been able to go with the flow with a minimum of whining. Some whining…sure. They are kids. But, overall, they get it.