I had a follow-up doctor appointment on Wednesday night at 7:15 pm.
We had dinner and then Real Man took the boys to go transport their sister from one activity to another and I drove a few towns away to my doctor’s office.
This is rare.
This is very rare.
I don’t even get to drive to and from work alone, as Monkey Girl goes to the school where I teach, so I was making the most of my time alone in the car.
I decided to hook up my phone to my speakers, hit shuffle, and just let my iTunes library play.
Normally, when listening to my iTunes library, I have to skip around the songs that may have inappropriate words, or I can’t play the music too loud because of the young, developing ears, but I was alone, my ears are developed, and I was saying “bring on the inappropriate lyrics.”
Of course, the one time I was alone in the car, none of my songs that the kids can’t hear came on, however, forcing myself not to fast forward to current favorites did give me the opportunity to enjoy some songs that I’ve skipped over for awhile, simply because we’ve been listening to the newer stuff.
So, my ride to and from the doctor consisted of the following songs:
(and I completely realize that many of you may have absolutely no interest in this…if so, feel free to pass)
Hallelujah by Jodi, Alana and Morgan – I realize this song has been done to death by a thousand different people, and I actually have three different versions in my iTunes library, but I really, really love this song, and I love singing it.
What Goes Around Comes Around by Justin Timberlake – JT, baby. What else can I say?
Always be my Baby by Mariah Carey – This has long been one of my favorite Mariah tunes. Kim can tell you all about it.
If You’re Not the One by Daniel Bedingfield – I’m a sucker for an unrequited love story, and this is a great song for that.
Born to be My Baby by Bon Jovi – I’m from Jersey. Bon Jovi takes up a great deal of space in my iTunes library.
Hip Hop Hooray by Naughty by Nature – I’ve always been a huge Naughty by Nature fan, and was actually hoping that Everything’s Gonna Be Alright would come on, because I never listen to that when the kids are around, but I got Hip Hop Hooray instead. I adapted.
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri – Love her scratchy voice. Like a Demi Moore who can sing.
Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry – This song gets my toes tapping and my body bee-bopping around every single time it is on. I LOVE this song.
If You Want to be Happy (for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife) by Jimmy Soul – Real Man and I have always loved this one and made sure it was played at our wedding.
Don’t Stand So Close to Me by the Police – One of my favorites by the Police. I miss my Synchronicity album. This song reminds me of Kim, also.
Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi – More Bon Jovi, no surprise. I like the picture this song paints and think it is very, very pretty. I love to rock out the harmony with JBJ on this one.
Only Hope by Mandy Moore (Karaoke version) – It’s from the movie, A Walk to Remember, and I fell in love with it there. Mandy Moore sings it much better than I do, but Monkey Girl and I like to belt this one out on a regular basis.
I’m Yours by Jason Mraz – It’s a little bit of a different version that the one they play on the radio, and it’s just different enough that it holds my attention. Because, really, this song was more than a little overplayed when it was new.
So, there you have it. My jamming Wednesday night line-up. There were a few others that I was hoping to hear, but maybe next time when I’m alone in the car.
You know.
When I’m 50.