So, the other day, I wrote about the top 5 things I do that make my husband crazy.
I thought it would only be fair if I devoted equal time to my better qualities.
So, today, I offer you:
The 5 Top Things That Make Me a Catch
1. I’m a cheap date.
I work full-time, teach piano after work, come home and parent four kids and take care of a house.
I’m happy just to get out for a few minutes.
So, I don’t need to be wined and dined.
In fact, I don’t really drink, so Real Man doesn’t even have to spend money on alcohol if we go out.
I’m not a stickler about what constitutes a meal when it comes to feeding myself (I’m a little stricter about what I like to feed the kids) so I’m happy with a shared large bucket of popcorn at the movies as my dinner.
Heck, I may or may not change out of my jeans/sweats if we go to a movie, so he doesn’t need to worry about gussying himself up, either, which means spending less on clothes.
We take the kids to the movies and earn points on our Stubs card, so by the time we get to a movie ourselves, we’ve usually earned enough points for the movie and the food to be free.
We’re already married, so he doesn’t have to worry about trying to get me back to his place afterwards, so no post-date schmoozing required.
For Real Man, dating me is easy.
2. I’m around children all day.
My history students, my piano students, my own monkeys.
This means I’m surrounded by pre-teen and small child banter all day long, and while I enjoy it immensely, by the time Real Man comes home, when he starts talking, I hang on every word of the adult talk.
Really, honey? They’ve implemented a new system for the QR3 integration with the 507 forms, which gets implemented with the database?
Tell me more.
Because his stories usually don’t involve excuses about homework, boyfriend troubles, One Direction, farts, poop, or vomit.
I’m a great audience.
3. The way my teeth are situated in my mouth, I have a little bit of a spot where I place the curved end of a hanger as I hang, button, and adjust the collars of Real Man’s work shirts while doing laundry.
Does this make me a catch?
Don’t know…however, it was while standing in the laundry room with hanger in mouth that I thought to myself, (sarcastically) “I’m a real catch” and thus the idea for this post was born.
4. I make Valentine’s Day a breeze.
I don’t like flowers.
a) I’m allergic.
2) I don’t really need something else to take care of around here.
Because I’m diabetic, I can’t have candy, and even though I’m a bad diabetic and have been known to indulge with some candy or cookies sometimes, in general, I try to be good, and Real Man is very supportive of that.
I’m not big into jewelry and if I’m going to get anything, I’d rather pick it out myself, and it will take me thirty trips to the jewelry store to pick it out, so why bother.?
So, Valentine’s Day?
No pressure.
5. I write a blog.
Not only do I write a blog, but I write a blog where I say pretty much anything and everything that comes into my head.
I have a feeling that some of Real Man’s partial hearing loss may be due to the years in our marriage before I wrote the blog and he was subjected to having to listen to me spout all of (she gestures broadly with her hands) this, verbally.
He reads the blog every day, so he still hears it all, but I think it’s in a much more digestable format.
Come to think of it, both of my parents have some hearing loss as well.
The only commonality between my parents and Real Man is me.