My Real Life

New Year, New Me 2013

April 16, 7:41 pm

I didn’t tackle my closet, but Monkey Girl and I hit her closet and dresser and donated a garden-sized trash bag full of clothes she has outgrown to the clothing bank at our church.

That felt good on many, many fronts.

April 13, 10:31 am

So, the guy sold the van, and that is good news.

Ridiculously good news.

I can completely cross that one off my list.

I have been hitting the treadmill at least twice a week and I am aiming to go for more.  Working on it.

I’m still only averaging around 150 readers a day on the blog, but I’m up to 162 followers on FB.

Hard to know which is more important, sometimes, and it really depends on who you ask.

April 1, 6:00 am

Over Spring Break, we got rid of the van!

We use a dealer who came and picked it up and will sell it for us.

I am SO glad that van is out of the driveway and out of our hands!

February 3, 9:34 am

I’m done with the entire Beautiful Creatures series and I really enjoyed it.  Now I’m reading The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks.

I’ve been able to get on the treadmill twice in the past two days, and am hoping to get there today.

I’ve pulled out my outlines for three novels, and am going to get started on those.

I sold another item on eBay, so that’s also good news.

January 27, 8:27 pm

I’m almost done with Beautiful Darkness and Real Man is currently printing out the shipping label for an item that sold on eBay today.

We went over our grocery budget for the month by $22.67, so in February, I gotta work harder…particularly because we have 5 birthdays to celebrate in February.  That’s 5 special birthday dinners for 8 or 9 people, so it’s gonna cost me!

January 25, 9:22 pm

Aside from finishing XO and then reading and finishing Beautiful Creatures I really haven’t made much progress with my Twenty Wishes for 2013 this week.

I lost four pounds with the stomach virus, but gained three of them right back once I was feeling better, so that’s basically a wash.

I did sell one item on eBay and have another that ends tomorrow which has quite a few bids, so that’s going okay.

I snuck in some time for the piano earlier in the week and really enjoyed it.

Other than that, it’s been go, go, go at work and go, go, go at home and I haven’t really taken much time to even begin to think about myself, so I’m hoping to do better next week.

January 20, 11:21 am

I finished Stolen Prey and am onto XO by Jeffrey Deaver.

I’ve had a viral infection and the sinus infection is back, so I haven’t been exercising.  I guess the good news is that I’m not eating anything besides crackers and ginger ale.  It’s all in the perspective. 🙂

I’m about to walk into the office and make a bit of a dent in there, so I’m feeling good about that.

January 13, 6:23 pm

I was able to finish my next book and download two more today, so I’m onto Stolen Prey by John Sandford.

I was also able to get on the treadmill for awhile, but it was a very short while, due to Tiny’s intolerance of anything that takes my attention away from him.

Yesterday, I completely re-organized the foyer closet, and that felt great, and it feels so much more functional now, and we can open it without fear of things falling down on us.  That’s a good thing.

I also shipped out an eBay sale and listed something else, so I am well on my way with that goal.

January 12, 1:32 pm

I’ve been staying organized at home, staying under my WW points, and have been carving out bits of time, here and there to read and play the piano, so I’m feeling pretty good about things.

I’m about to head to the basement to meet up with Jillian Michaels and my Biggest Loser Kinect game and get in some sweat time.

Today, I did the grocery shopping and feel like I did pretty well there, as well.

I’d always like to spend less, but until they start making coupons for meat, poultry, veggies and fruit, we’re always going to be a little screwed on the grocery bill.

I already posted how I did in the grocery challenge thread at the Frugal Village, but I figured I might as well add it here, as well, for those of you who are interested:

Okay, I did a great, big shop today and took advantage of the CanCan sale. I would have liked to have done better, but I did some stocking up. Here goes:

1 200 ct box ShopRite sandwich bags (we use and reuse, but eventually, you need new bags) $2.19
2 boxes Celestial Seasonings SleepyTime Tea (every night before bed) $3.49 each, c/o $1/2, so $2.99 each
2 boxes ShopRite Saltines $1.00 each
1 4-lb jar ShopRite Creamy Peanut Butter $10.99
2 2-lb jars Smuckers Grape Jelly normally $2.79 each, on sale for $1.99 each, c/o $1/2, so $1.49 each
10 cans ShopRite yellow corn normally $0.79 each, on sale for $0.33 each
2 2-lb boxes College Inn Chicken Broth normally $2.99 each, on sale for $2.50 each, c/o $0.50/2 (doubled) so, $2.00 each
4 cans ShopRite Cream of Mushroom soup normally $0.99 each, on sale for $0.75 each
1 box Minute Brown Rice $3.99
1 box Nabisco snack packs Mini-Oreos and Ritz cheese sandwiches $6.49
4 boxes Kellogg’s Special K Oats and Honey normally $4.19 each, on sale $2.49 each, c/o $2/4 AND c/o $1/3, SO $1.74 each (great deal for this cereal!)
4 boxes Kix cereal normally $3.69, on sale for $1.67 each, another great deal!
72 count box Pampers Baby Dry size 5 normally $29.99, on sale for $22.99, c/o $2/1, so $20.99
1 box Reynolds Parchment Paper $3.29
2 packets McCormick brown gravy mix, normally $1.29 each, on sale for $0.50 each
4 pounds Luigi Vitelli rigatoni, normally $0.99 a pound, on sale for $0.75 a pound
5 bottles ShopRite Clear Delight Seltzer flavored water, normally $0.89 each, on sale for $0.80 each
1 big box Goldfish cheddar crackers $8.49
1 package Goldfish snack packs $5.49
1 loaves Arnold Soft White Grain bread, normally $3.89, on sale for $1.99 each
1 Beef eye round roast $12.22
1 family pack lean, boneless porch chops $8.62
4 pounds 93% lean ground beef $4.36, $4.40, $4.22, $4.45
2 boxes Perdue Short Cut Chicken breast $5.99 each
1 big bag Perdue Frozen Chicken nuggets $7.99
2 packages Granny Smith sliced apples $4.99 each
3 red peppers, normally $4.01, on sale for $2.29
4.47 pounds grapes, normally $17.83, on sale for $12.08 (we eat a TON of grapes)
2 bunch bananas $1.82
20 Dannon Fruit on the Bottom yogurts, normally $0.99 each, on sale for $0.44 each
1 small container ShopRite sour cream $0.99
1 package ShopRite reduced fat Mozzarella string cheese sticks, normally $3.99, on sale for $3.39
1 dozen ShopRite eggs $2.39
3 gallons 1% milk $3.99 each
2 boxes Aunt Jemima blueberry waffles, normally $2.29 each, on sale for $1.99 each
1 bag ShopRite chopped frozen broccoli, normally $2.59, on sale for $1.99

Total before sales and coupons $293.70.
Total after $228.83

I didn’t need the diapers right now, but they were on sale and I had the coupon, so I have them when I need them and can send half of the box to daycare. This should last me through the end of February.

Also, I stocked up on the cans of corn, the jelly, and the ground beef. Great prices for those items, as well as the Special K, which is what RealMan eats for breakfast every morning.

Next week should be a lighter shop since I got so much this week, although we’ll see what the CanCan deals are for next week before I decide.

January 9, 5:16 pm

I got home from work and play practice today and decided it was time to exercise.

However, the three big kids were at CCD, so it was just me and Tiny, who is not a fan of my use of the Kinect.

He does, however, seem to tolerate the Wii, so I did 20 minutes of Wii Fit Plus Island Cycling.

He had enough and I needed to stop before I was done, but based on where I was on the course, and the fact that I had already finished half of the course, I’m going to say I ran 6 miles.

I don’t feel exhausted afterward, which tells me that I’m ready to really be pushing myself more.

I just have to find the time.

On another “Better Health” note, I’ve been staying under my WW points, which is good.

“Better Home” feels like I’m making progress, as well.  Things are just a bit more organized and are staying that way.

January 8, 7:44 am

Yesterday, if you read today’s blog, you’ll see that I took some time for myself.  Better Health, for sure.

I’ve also been good about remembering to take my meds, which is something I can forget to do, so my infections are going away, which is a very good thing.  Better Health, again.

I was able to use some of my time for me to prep for today, so this morning, there was no rushing around to get dinner going, etc.  Better Home and happy me. 🙂

Oh, and finally, I’ve remembered to add vegetables to each of our dinners, each night and the kids have been snacking on cut up red peppers after school.  That’s on my Twenty Wishes!

January 7, 10:44 am

On the 6th, I got up for a bit and did a half-hour of Just Dance 4 with Monkey Girl.  It was fun and exhausting.

I continued to eat well and stayed below my points, and I also was able to play the piano for a short while, and started reading The Racketeer by John Grisham.

I also listed something else on eBay to get me closer to that goal.

Finally, I cleaned up the piles in the kitchen and did away with quite a few of them to prepare for Monkey Girl’s girl scout meeting, which we held at the house.  Definitely Better Home!

January 5, 1:14 pm

As of last night, I had made $131.13 in my PayPal account through selling items.

This gets me closer to my $1,000 goal for 2013.

As a reminder, my hope is to earn $1,000 selling things on eBay and then use that money for Christmas gifts next year.

Not Better Health or Better Home, but it certainly goes toward my Twenty Wishes in 2013.

I did go to the doctor, yesterday morning, however, because I feel like I was hit by a truck, then the guy looked in his rearview mirror and said, “Wait!  She’s not dead yet!” and backed up over me.

Sinus infection and something funky in my lungs, so now I’m on a strong antibiotic and steroids.  Good times.

However, I guess that’s working toward Better Health, because I think it’s been sneaking up on me for awhile and I’ve been ignoring it.

As for today, I was able to spend some time playing the piano, which goes toward my 20 Wishes for 2013, so I’m happy for that.

January 3, 2013 5:14 pm

It’s my birthday, so, let’s be honest.

I’m not doing Better Health or Better Home today.

I went to work and am going to my parents house for dinner where I am going to eat copious amount of my Mom’s spaghetti with meat sauce and peanut butter chocolate ice cream.


Cuz it’s my birthday.

I will say I ate well all day and had no sugar so that I could indulge tonight, but there was no exercise to be seen.

January 2, 2013 8:37 pm

As I worked all day and was barely home, I had no time to work on Better Home, however, I did work on Better Health.

No exercise today. 🙁

Back to school after a long break and I just knew that waking up early wasn’t going to do it.

However, no soda, no sugar.

Stayed under my Weight Watchers points.

Feeling good.

January 1, 2013 1:41 pm

So, today I worked on Better Health.

I signed up for Weight Watchers online for three months.

I did 30 minutes of The Biggest Loser for the Kinect.

It’s tough.

It’s made tougher by the fact that Tiny kept coming into the sensor path, so the sensor kept thinking I wasn’t doing the poses correctly.

However, I kept going and after 30 minutes, I felt my muscles were well worked.

January 1, 2013 7:44 am

As I stated in my general post today, I am breaking down my goals for 2013 into two, broad categories: Better Health, Better Home.

My plan for today is to do a little something in both of these areas.

Today is the day that I cut out soda and work very hard to cut out all refined sugar from my diet.

I will also begin my exercise regimen today.

Today is also the day that I plan to clear out the closet in the laundry room.

It is at a point where it is completely non-functional and it isn’t working for me anymore.

I’m also going to cut and paste my 20 Wishes for 2013 list here so I can come back to it as a reference point throughout the year and make updates as necessary.

So, it’s 7:44 am on January 1, 2013 and it all starts now!

20 Wishes for 2013

1. Take the family to DisneyWorld. We’ve been talking about doing this for quite awhile and just haven’t done it. I want this to be the year.
2. Get a playset for the backyard. I want the kids to play outside more, and I know my kids and a playset would definitely do it.
3. Get weight down by 9 pounds AND KEEP IT THERE. Goal weight: 125
4. Incorporate more vegetables into the family diet.
5. Make $1,000 by selling on eBay.
6. Get blog readership to 200 per day average.
7. Make home office neat, organized, and functional.
8. Read 50 books (and keep track!)
9. Get pictures hung. We’ve been here a year and a half and haven’t hung up our pictures yet. Drives me nuts.
10. Have family photo taken.
11. Really go through my closet and be ruthless with getting rid of what I don’t wear.
12. Play piano at least once a week. I teach piano lessons, so I am always at the piano, but I rarely carve out the time to play for myself. I went to college as a vocal and piano performance major and I feel like I’m neglecting that part of myself.
13. Only eat out once a week, if at all.
14. Write in my journal more often. I only wrote in it twice in 2012, so anything would be an improvement! I think keeping the blog up every day takes it’s place, but they have different purposes and I don’t want to neglect my journal writing.
15. Really learn about self-publishing to see if it is an option for my novel.
16. Re-edit my novel.
17. Shred and pare down all of our files.
18. Sell the van.
19. Take more pictures.
20. Be outside more.

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