At 47 years old, there are quite a few things that I can say with utter certainty.
I don’t like coffee.
I do like super hero movies.
I will not eat liver (even with fava beans and a nice chianti).
I’m devastated by the near-end of Game of Thrones.
I love teaching 8th grade.
Oh, my friends, 8th grade is my niche.
I love those kids, their quirks, their drama, their chaos.
And so, I wrote a little something about how much I enjoy 8th grade, and someone liked it enough to put it in an anthology about teaching.
Remember how much you all enjoyed the first anthology I was a part of?
(If this is news to you, go ahead and click the link and buy the book…you won’t regret it)
Well, Will Work for Apples is put together by the same brilliant mind that brought you IJWTPA.
It’s a collection of 39 essays about teaching and teachers.
It is written by parents, by educators, by homeschoolers, and by people whose lives were changed by that one teacher who believed in them.
Some of the stories are heartwarming, and some are hilarious.
My particular essay is about my love for 8th grade and some of the unforeseen issues we’ve run into on our 8th grade trip to D.C. It’s a testament to 8th graders who just roll with the punches and make the best out of every situation.
I sincerely hope you buy it, read it, review it, and tell people about it.
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