I love to write. I love to write so much, sometimes, it’s hard to concentrate on other things because I have words rolling around in my brain that I want to get down on paper (or screen) as soon as possible.
But I have a very busy life, and often, that life makes it difficult to find the time to put the words down in any sort of understandable format, and so my writing? It falls by the wayside.
The birthday blogs for the kids? That comes easily, and I make the time for it because celebrating my babies is job numero uno, but other than that, you may have noticed that, over the years, the blog posts have been few and far between.
Sometimes, however, someone gives me a writing task.
Hey, Amy! I need an article about this topic. So, I sit and I write them. Heck, I wrote a ton of articles about oil tanks a few yeas ago and, believe it or not, I loved it.
Hey, Amy! I need help with this email. So, I think and compose and the email gets written.
Hey, Amy! I need help with this job application. And, I reorganize and rephrase and reword, and there it is.
But, all of that is me writing for someone else. About something else. And, while I truly do love it, (and would like to do more of it, so please, feel free to ask!), it’s not necessarily writing for me.
So, when a call went out for people to write about teachers and/or teaching, I jumped at the chance.
Because, I love writing, but you know what I love just as much?
So, I wrote.
And I submitted.
And guess what, friends?
My essay was chosen for a new anthology on teaching called “Will Work for Apples.”
Catchy title, right???
You may remember when I was one of the co-authors of “I Just Want to Pee Alone” a few years back?
And when Monkey Girl was published in the anthology “You Do You,” last year?
The amazing, Jen Mann, has done it again, and has brought together a variety of essays about teaching and teachers and it is going to be a wonderful tribute to the most noble profession, and I am beyond honored to be one of the contributors.
The book will be available in all formats and from all vendors (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, etc) at the end of April, so please, keep your eyes open so you can be the first to get your copy!
Writing is good stuff, my friends.
Writing about my passion?
Even better.
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