My Real Life

February 23, 2019

She’s 18

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:04 am

I’ve been putting off writing this particular blog post.

Because my girl is 18 today.

An adult.

But not an adult.

My baby.

My adult child.

I have approximately six months before she leaves for college.

I am so excited for her to start this new chapter in her life, but I cannot truly put into words how much I am going to miss her. 

She is everything I had hoped she would be.

Kind, happy, smart, loving.

I love her for who she was, and I love her for who she is. 

There’s too much I want to say, and for the first time, I am finding myself at a loss for words.

So, I’ll leave this video with you from April of 2010. 

It may seem strange to share a video that I am in to celebrate her, but it’s what I’ve got.

She and I were going to perform in the talent show, that year. But she got sick a few days before and we cancelled. But she wanted to do our act anyway.

Were we great? Nope.

But when I listen and know how that voice has transformed into something powerful and strong over the years, and when I look and know how that girl has turned into something even more powerful and strong?

Oh, my heart.

Skip to 1:27. That’s where the magic starts.

I love this child, and she continues to be as sweet today as she was in this video which makes me cry every time I watch it.

Because this eager, precious little girl is 18 today, and I couldn’t be prouder.


  1. Now I’m crying too. What a beautiful captured moment, and an amazing young woman. You done good, Amy and Rob.

    Comment by Mark Angle — February 23, 2019 @ 10:28 am | Reply

  2. Soooo Cute Love you guys

    Comment by Warren Arthur Meny — February 23, 2019 @ 1:16 pm | Reply

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