When you deal with teenagers all day and then come home to 3 of your own, you can sometimes forget that 7 is a tough age.
There are a lot of fears and feelings that come with being 7, and the world is very big and you are very small.
And today, this guy is 8.
This boy, at 8, is a love.
He is so many things wrapped into one, little boy.
He loves soccer and football and hockey.
He loves cars and wrestling and racing.
He loves unicorns and kittens and My Little Pony and books about fairy worlds.
He loves his sister and his brothers and his parents wildly and unabashedly.
He sings when he’s happy.
He never stops talking.
Like, ever.
8 isn’t much bigger than 7.
The world is still very big, and he is still very small.
But he’s figuring it out and he’s working through it and he knows he’s got all of us on his team for those times that figuring it out is just too much for a little guy.
We love him with all of our being.
And today, he’s 8.
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