The only person who really recommended a scary movie with on my last post about my quest for a scary movie said that I should try “Insidious.”
So, Real Man and I gave it a try.
It was a good premise, as far as scary movies go. One that felt fairly fresh because it was a twist on an old plot.
We were off to a good start.
There were moments where I gasped or grabbed Real Man’s arm, and I felt like there was some real nightmare potential there.
But, then the movie took a road, midway through, and even though you know the people who wrote the movie expected this middle part to be really scary…it just wasn’t.
And then, when it got back to the scariness, you had been out of it for so long, you weren’t scared any longer.
So, it was a good movie, and I enjoyed it, but when it was over, I went about my business and didn’t think about it again.
So, not as scary as I was hoping.
Then, I was feeling disappointed that I hadn’t been scared enough, so the next day, Real Man and I decided to go see “The Gift.”
The commercials made it look pretty scary, and like a psychological thriller, and those are often the scariest, because people’s minds are twisted and that kind of thing can actually happen, so I was hopeful.
It was a good movie.
It was.
But it wasn’t even a little scary.
So, I’m 0 for 2 this scary movie season.
I’m holding out hope that things get…scarier.
Okay Amy, I’ll give it a try…because I agree with you. I’m the lucky dad who’s always elected to take Tyler and his friends to all these “supernatural” scaries like Insidious, The Conjuring, and Paranormal Activity XIV that don’t hold a candle to the films of my youth. Movies that scare me are the ones like Halloween that feature seemingly random acts of real-life violence. So in that vein, I’m going to recommend “The Strangers.” And trust me, Liv Tyler’s acting is not the scariest part of the movie. Enjoy.
Comment by DearMisterVernon — September 11, 2015 @ 9:12 am |
OMG…we’ve seen The Strangers. That is one scary film, because people are crazy and that kind of thing could happen!!! So scary. Halloween, scared the bejesus outta me and stands the test of time. Poltergeist (the original) created my fear of clowns and dolls. Big time.
Comment by Amy — September 11, 2015 @ 10:00 am |
Yes, yes, yes! And The Shining created my fear of spooky twin girls. I still shudder when I watch Full House and spy an Olsen twin.
Comment by DearMisterVernon — September 11, 2015 @ 12:05 pm
I don’t do scary at all…But the trailer for THE VISIT, gives me nightmares!!! Good luck on your quest.
I’m happy to stay in the Rom-Com or Disney genre!
Comment by Vicky Caleo Bashant — September 11, 2015 @ 8:23 pm |
I love a good rom-com AND Disney movie, as well!
I really enjoyed “The Intern,” which is neither of those, but a really nice film!
Comment by Amy — October 1, 2015 @ 12:10 pm |