February is birthday month around here.
By the time March 2015 fights it’s way through the snow to arrive, I’ll have 14, 11, 9, and 4 year old children.
I’ll have a 14 year old girl who is ready for high school and all that awaits her.
Who is loving and kind and funny and brilliant, and is the person I want to be when I grow up.
I’ll have an 11 year old boy who is moving on to middle school.
Who is busy and curious and wanting to be involved in it all, despite the fact that it all gives him a world of worry.
I’ll have a 9 year old boy who is quiet and shy and funny and unique and could solve all of the world’s problems with construction paper and tape.
Who is patient and often misunderstood, but awesome in ways that most people can only dream of.
And I’ll have a 4 year old boy who is headstrong and hilarious.
Who is the apple of his sibling’s eye, and is the joy we didn’t know we needed until he arrived.
February comes and goes in a blur.
There are birthday parties and family dinners and presents and snow days and deadlines and performances and every other thing under the sun.
It’s easy, in this house, to view these birthdays as “something else I have to do.”
Something to check off the list.
Something to get through.
So, despite the fact that, in all aspects of our lives, February is the busiest month of the year, I want to make a concerted effort, on these four days, to stop.
To be grateful for the four people who call me Mama and who keep me young (and make me oh so old).
To celebrate.
To remember.
Because, someday, these days might be celebrated with a card in the mail and a phone call across the country or over the sea.
Happy Birthday, my babies.
Mommy loves you.
Looks like I’m in good company – my birthday is in February too!
Comment by Judy — February 7, 2015 @ 3:21 pm |
Well, happy birthday! Obviously, most of my favorite people are born in February, so you are in good company!
Comment by Amy — February 7, 2015 @ 3:24 pm |