My Real Life

October 19, 2014

The Saturday Shower

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 1:11 pm

I’m a fairly low maintenance girl.

I get up in the morning, take a quick shower, use a two-in-one shampoo plus conditioner to save time, hop out, run my fingers through my hair, clip in a barrette, throw on a little eye makeup and I’m out.

The whole process probably takes about 10 minutes, from start to finish.

I need to make five lunches, get people up, dressed, and out the door before I leave at 7:00 am, and so the shower is what takes the hit in the time department.

But on Saturday…

On Saturday, I get a real shower.

It may not happen first thing in the morning, but, at some point, on a Saturday, I take some time, just for me.

I pull together the various and random shower gels, lotions, and creams that I’ve acquired over the years, and I get ready for an experience.

I use actual shampoo.

Separate from the conditioner.

And when I actually get to the conditioner, I let it sit and sit and sit, while I exfoliate and shave and indulge in some steamy aromatherapy.

Saturday showers are ME time.

And, if I turn up the music loud enough, I can almost drown out the sounds of the people pounding on the door yelling, “Mom!  You’ve been in there for three minutes already!  What’s TAKING so long???”

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