So, I turned 42 on Friday.
It wasn’t that big of a deal. After 21, there are no real milestones, except for the decades, and I’ve always been one who believes that age is just a number.
So far, 42 feels a lot like 22, but with a much earlier bedtime.
However, I’ll let you in on a little secret.
I cry, every year, on my birthday.
I’m not really sure why.
I just do.
Not for a long time, and not because I’m concerned about getting older.
It’s just my annual birthday cry.
It’s spontaneous.
It’s not like I think to myself, “Oh, January 3rd…time to start crying.”
It just happens, sometime in the middle of the day and I say to myself “Oh, there you are, birthday cry,” and then it’s over, and I move on.
My friend, Tara, gave me a beautiful blanket for my birthday.
It is covered in literary quotes.
It’s perfect.
As I was thanking her for it, she shared with me that she was looking for an appropriate card last night and she started thinking about me and the year I’ve had.
She reminded me of all that I’ve accomplished in the last year.
I was published in a book, I was on the front page of the newspaper, I participated in several book signings, I expanded my circle of writer friends, I joined a writer’s group, a piece I wrote made the Huffington Post, I left the classroom and moved into administration at my school, and my family stayed (generally) healthy.
It was a very, very good year.
I’m so grateful to her for that reminder.
Maybe I didn’t do all (or most) of the things on my Twenty Wishes for 2013 list, but I did a lot of things that weren’t on the list and are even better.
Sometimes you need someone else to remind you of how good things are.
So, here’s to 41, which was beyond amazing, and here’s to 42 that is rife with yet unfulfilled promise.
If that blanket has any 50 Shades of Grey quotes, you should burn it because it also has herpes.
Comment by Scott — January 8, 2014 @ 9:35 am |
Well-played, Mr. Montague. Well-played.
Comment by Amy — January 8, 2014 @ 10:05 am |
Your book was mentioned by a couple of my Facebook friends…..I laughed and said I “knew” who wrote part of it!
Comment by Marge — January 8, 2014 @ 12:55 pm |
That’s AWESOME! I always feel like a superstar when I find out someone was talking about it.
Comment by Amy — January 8, 2014 @ 1:10 pm |
Here’s to another Happy Birthday, Amy! Looks like you are catching up to us at last :0)
Comment by Carla — January 8, 2014 @ 5:44 pm |