We were in the car, last night, and the kids were talking about the heat and I called back to them, “Yeah, but is it hotter in the summer, or in the city?”
Real Man and I laughed, not so much at the joke itself (which, hopefully most of you know comes from the song) but at the fact that this particular joke is one of his Dad’s standards.
Another gem is “What’s the difference between an orange?” which always leaves the kids stumped.
I love that.
I love that there are certain things that we will always say, and that hopefully the kids will say to their kids, that will always make us laugh because we’ll remember they were “Grandpa’s Jokes.”
I have a feeling that when they grow up and see my number on Caller ID, they’ll answer the phone “Jello!” because that’s how my Dad answers when we call his house.
Does your family have any inside jokes? Anything that would cause the casual observer to think you had all lost your minds as you laughed hysterically?
I’d love to hear some of them! Leave them below in the comments!
Last year, my husband and I attended my son’s kindergarten open house. We were given a sheet to write him a message, or draw him a picture, and my husband drew a spider in a web, and I was tasked with the caption. I had nothing, so I wrote, “Dad says, ‘Watch out for spiders!'” I was afraid he might be worried about spiders when he saw his message from us the next day, so when we got home I told my boy we wrote him a joke and left it at school for him. After he saw it, he said, “That wasn’t very funny.” He was right, it was lame-o. But every day for the rest of the year, at drop-off we’d say, “Watch out for spiders!” And that was funny.
Comment by Amy - Funny is Family — September 13, 2013 @ 7:14 am |
Comment by Amy — September 15, 2013 @ 5:13 pm |
Love this , its all about the memories. I accidentally messed up a nursery rhyme one night while putting the boys to bed and the response from them was hilarious, “NOOOOOO!! MOMMY, ITS not supposed to be that way….its this way….” So to this day I still mess them up on purpose just to make them laugh. Jack and jill never get a pail of water its usually a bucket of chicken and somehow instead of breaking his crown he ends up at the hospital with a broken toenail or something like that. And it goes on like that nightly. That clock never strikes one, but some crazy number instead and my boys am will hopefully remember mommy ad being silly and pass ot down to their kids one day.
Comment by michele d — September 13, 2013 @ 7:49 am |