My Real Life

September 5, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

…not funny ha-ha, but funny as in “Hmmm…isn’t this interesting?”

So, maybe I should change the post title to “An Interesting Thing Happened…”

Maybe I’m over-thinking it.


I was tired this weekend.

It was kinda muggy and yucky out and we were all feeling low-key.

The boys were happily playing in the basement, Real Man was doing something on his computer and so I decided to go up to our bedroom, lay down for a few minutes and see what was on tv.

Turns out, it was “The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock.

Love that movie.

I watched for a few minutes and Monkey Girl wandered in.

“Whatcha doin’?” she asked.

I told her about the movie and she plopped down next to me.

And stayed to watch the rest of it.

She was the perfect romantic comedy companion.

She laughed at all the right places.

She “Awwww”ed at all the right places.

She was quiet when she was supposed to be quiet and she knew when it would be an appropriate moment for conversation.

When it ended, (and no one had come looking for us) we flipped around and found “While You Were Sleeping” (which prompted me to think that Sandra Bullock had passed away because when a celebrity dies, they always play all of their movies or all of their songs on the radio.  She didn’t.  She’s alive and well.) and settled in to watch that.

We did have to stop that one in the middle, but we recorded the rest and watched it the next day.

And when it was over, we found another romantic comedy.

You’ll remember that I am always bursting into tears at the thought of this girl moving out of my house and leaving me.

This past weekend, I began to see some benefit to this girl growing up.


Please remember to visit my Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes page and read my story and (if you feel so inclined) donate!

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