I’m a skeptic.
I should start with that statement.
I don’t take anything on faith.
Trust no one, always expect the worst, show me, don’t ask me to believe.
I’m a skeptic.
So, when my sister-in-law started a new business in which you wrap yourself in plastic and lose inches, I was…say it with me, people…skeptical.
She had told me about this new business and I nodded and said “Uh-huh…sounds great…wow” like a good sister-in-law, but I was sure there was a catch.
There had to be.
I mean, I’ve heard of people wrapping themselves in Saran Wrap, but it was usually mentioned with the phrase “Met my husband at the door wearing nothing but…” which, in a home with four kids isn’t even on my radar as a possibility, so I couldn’t really imagine what this was all about.
Then, when she started posting before and after pics on Facebook, I could definitely see the differences in the photos, but figured there must be some kind of trick or alternative requirement for it to work.
Wrap yourself and don’t eat anything for seven days except kale shakes and lose inches.
Wrap yourself and have plastic surgery and lose inches.
She assured me that wasn’t the case.
The only requirement was that you drink 24 oz of water while you are wrapped, and half your body weight in ounces for the next three days.
Then, one of the co-authors of I Just Want to Pee Alone did a blog post about Alicia’s wrap and I was all, “Hey…that’s my sister-in-law,” and she was all, “Small world!” and I was all “Well, if she’s promoting my sister-in-law, I should really promote my sister-in-law,” and that brings us to today.
Alicia came over with her wrap and gave me the presentation.
Even for a skeptic like me, it was fascinating.
The key phrase for the company is “Have You Tried That Crazy Wrap Thing?”
The way it works is that it lifts the toxins out of your fat cells and transports them to your lymphatic system, which is why you need to drink the water because it flushes it right out of your system.
The wrap keeps working for 72 hours and you can put it anywhere you can think of…your chin, your thighs, your arms, your butt, etc. I chose my “post four child stomach.”
She wrapped me up and while I cooked, we talked.
She showed me some of the other products and talked to me about what they do and how they work.
I’m not going to post pictures of my “transformation” because I’m sure there is something in my public school teacher contract about not posting pictures of your naked-self online (not that you have to get completely naked, but still, I teach in a middle school), but there were some changes in the definition of my stomach.
We didn’t measure, but in looking at the before and after pictures (which she did take, but will never see the light of day) there was a difference.
I’ll continue to drink my water for the next three days and hope to see more changes, and from the results my co-author, The Frugalista, got, I’m hopeful.
Demi Moore, Kristen Chenowith and Anderson Cooper have all tried this wrap.
There is a lot of scientific stuff behind this that Alicia explained to me, but I’m not going to go into details right now. You can check out Alicia’s website for that information.
This wrap is better than Botox, Liposuction or Shapewear because they aren’t affordable, nor are they fun.
This is actually both.
The way it is affordable is because they offer you different ways to purchase…wholesale or through becoming a loyal customer.
You pay $50 to become a loyal customer, which allows you to purchase anything wholesale whenever you want OR commit to buying three months of product on autoship (no minimum purchase) without the $50 loyal customer fee.
I decided to go ahead and order the fat fighter pills and I’ll let you know how they work once I get them.
Alicia also gave me a few Confianza pills, which she calls organic Xanax.
I’ve never taken pharmaceutical Xanax, but I do get stressed, so when I need one, I’ll let you know how that goes, as well.
Overall, I’m please with the results of my wrap.
My pants were getting a little too tight for comfort and when I just pulled on a pair, I didn’t have to jump off my bed to get in them.
That’s a good thing.
Hmm, I’m you….see the first line of your post. Keep us updated. I’ll be interested but…..see the first line of your post!
Comment by Mary Anne — March 28, 2013 @ 7:07 pm |
Comment by abozza — March 29, 2013 @ 8:01 am |