Recently, I’ve found myself in a situation where I am getting to know, and thoroughly enjoy, some amazingly funny women bloggers.
They are effortlessly funny, and, as a woman and as a mother, I find that I can relate to most of what they write.
Yesterday was a long day.
We had a delayed opening for school, which was a nice treat, and then when we got there, we hit the ground running listening to presentations in all of my classes, then to play rehearsal, then to the post office, to the pharmacy, then home to cook Baby’s birthday dinner, then the party, the presents, the cake, and then as a birthday treat, he wanted to watch an episode of Dr. Who before bedtime.
I finally sat down around 9 pm to get online and click around for a bit.
I came across this post on “Bad Parenting Moments” and I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Someone said to me, just this morning, “You cook four different birthday dinners in a two week span? Why not just let the kids pick a restaurant and take them out?”
My response was “I would rather swallow a hot coal than take the kids out to dinner four times in a two week span.”
And then I shared the story of Tiny and me in church about a month ago.
We lasted for ten minutes.
Because he sat on my lap and screamed “Help!” from our pew for that exact amount of time, and then I finally called it quits.
The rest of the monkeys are fairly well-behaved in restaurants, but Tiny is in a screaming stage that we never experienced with the other three, and along with the screams goes the tossing of everything on the table on the floor.
So, again, when I read the post, I laughed until my sides hurt.
Because I can relate.
And, if you have kids, I bet you can, too.
Thank you for the lovely shout-out! What a great surprise. So happy you enjoyed it.
Comment by BadParentingMoments (@BPMbadassmama) — February 12, 2013 @ 12:33 pm |
Comment by abozza — February 12, 2013 @ 1:42 pm |