1. Flu mist? Flu shot? Or take your chances?
We’ve gotten both the flu shot and we’ve gotten the flu mist.
It just depended on what the doctor had on hand at the time of our appointments.
However, the kids and I get the flu “something” every year.
Real Man, however, believes that he is invulnerable to the flu and does not get the shot or the mist.
I’m a teacher in a public school with small children of my own.
It would be absolutely nonsensical for me not to protect myself.
2. Do your kids have iPads? What are some good educational apps? Price?
I have an iPad and I love it.
So do my kids.
If they weren’t so darn expensive, I would absolutely get a new iPad for myself and give the kids my old one so I could keep it all to myself.
I use the Nook app for reading, so when I want to read, we have an issue.
Except that I’m Mom.
And I win.
Anyway, Tiny loves Peekaboo Barn, Play Home Lite, Sort it Out 1, UmiNumbers, and Alphabet Zoo.
They all have free versions and the free versions are awesome.
Totally awesome.
Baby Monkey’s favorite app is called “Tinker Box” and it’s an engineering app with gears and chains, etc.
He loves it.
He also loves any app with trucks and cranes, and any app that involves coloring or creating, like Scribble Kid, Crayate, ColorStudio HD, etc.
That’s pretty much it for education on the iPad.
3. What are your favorite boy/girl baby names?
Jack and Emma.
I have no children named Jack or Emma, because they are not Real Man’s favorite baby names, but they are absolutely, 100% mine.
4. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, which apple do you choose to eat? (red/green, gala, red delicious…)
Granny Smith.
Baby Monkey and I eat a Granny Smith apple every day.
I’m all about the tart and sour flavors.
Regular apples just don’t do it for me.
However, I have to cut them first because I have some sort of weird skin sensitivity around my mouth to apples, so I can’t bite into them and have the juice or the skin touch my lips.
Otherwise, I look like I’ve just gotten a really bad Botox injection.
I’m a weirdo.
5. What is your favorite place to escape to for peace & quiet, to think? Why?
Hmmm…I don’t really have a place because I don’t really go anywhere alone.
In my mind, what I would like to have, more than anything, is a place at the beach.
If I had a beach place, (nothing fancy…just a tiny little one bedroom, heck, even one room, bungalow), I’d love to go down, even in the winter, and just bundle up and read and write.
I’d go for long walks on the beach and just be alone with my thoughts.
I would do just as well with a tiny mountain cabin where I could walk on trails and do my thinking, and then curl up by a fire at night to read and write.
Of course, this would require me leaving my family, so it’s a no-go.
Here, at home…I don’t know.
We have a room that we have alternately called “The Library,” “The Music Room,” or “The Reading Room.”
I like it, but it’s never quiet.
Because nothing is ever quiet here.
At least it’s a happy noise.
I do most of my writing, these days, at my desk in the living room.
It’s a rolltop desk that used to be my Dad’s and I love all of it’s nooks and crannies.
It’s a good place to write.
And, where do I do my thinking?
In the shower.
It’s 5 minutes of my day (during the week) that I am completely alone, because I’m the first one up in the house (Monkey in the Middle is starting to sleep just a tad later, these days, and most school days, I have to wake Tiny, which is a nice change) and so I get as much thinking done as I can in there.
Before the first little person opens the door and starts asking what’s for dinner that night.
And, I’ll venture a bet that I am not the only one who finds the shower to be the only place where there is a little peace.