My Real Life

January 18, 2013

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 2:57 pm

1. If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?

5 Books:

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

Shadow of the Wind  by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

The Hunger Games trilogy (they count as 1 book) by Suzanne Collins

Any book by Maeve Binchy (they just make you feel good)

5 Movies:  (because why wouldn’t they have a DVD player on a deserted island?)

The Holiday

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (they count as 1 movie)

Sweet Home Alabama

A Few Good Men

Pitch Perfect (this one is subject to change…I know I have other favorites, I just can’t think of a single one at the moment)

5 People: (Do I even need to answer this one?)

Real Man, Monkey Girl, Monkey in the Middle, Baby Monkey, Tiny

(I feel sorry for people who don’t have 5 other people in their family…or who have more than 5 other people in their family!)

5 Foods:


Peanut Butter



Cheddar Cheese

2. What is your thought on year round school? 
I’m not necessarily against it.
I’m not necessarily for it.
I can definitely see the merits, and it would cut out the “review” in many math classes, as the learning would be constant and would be building.
I can also see the burnout possibility for kids.
Maybe four days weeks, three day weekends, three months on, one month off…
As I said, I’m not really for or against it…I just don’t really know enough about it to make an informed decision.
3. Is your house escaping the flu this season?
So far, however, as I write this, I was sent home from school with a fever.
Fingers crossed.
4. What’s the temperature where you are?
27 degrees F

5. Are you a winter/spring/fall/summer person?

Gorgeous weather for hikes, walks, doing anything outside.
Not too hot, not too cold.

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