So, we poured out the dice, lined them up nicely, and began to count.
Monkey in the Middle began to jump up and down with glee, as his guess had been 57 and the contest rules said that the closest without going over would be the winner.
I teased him that his buddy, Will’s, mom was going to be mad because he outbid her by one. (He loved your comment, Sandi!)
So, I took the picture (above) and the said “Hold on a minute.”
And looked closer.
I forgot all about our 3 “die in a die” dice!
Three extra, which brings our total to 61, making our winner Marianne!
Marianne, your iTunes gift card will be coming to you and I’ll be making the donation to Sandy relief in your name today!
Thank you all so very, very much for participating! This was fun and we’ll be holding another one soon!
Daily Gratitude, Day 17
Today I am grateful that I have this blog as an outlet for writing and that I have people who actually read it! 🙂
Sorry, Patrick! Congrats, Marianne!
Comment by Sandi — November 18, 2012 @ 9:59 am |
Congrats Marianne!
Comment by Debbie — November 18, 2012 @ 10:37 am |
Strangely enough my first thought was 57, but then I saw that Patrick already had that guess so I changed my guess.
Comment by Marianne — November 18, 2012 @ 3:12 pm |